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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Shane Keena

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Peoples' Vote

Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) 
I only had a couple of seconds to reset my focus points and switch to portrait orientation as this stunning adult humpback whale slowly ascended to the surface off the coast of Ha'apai, Kingdom of Tonga.
By Shane Keena
posted Thursday, April 4, 2019
20 votes

Golden jellyfish (Mastigias papua etpisoni) Jellyfish Lake located in Koror, Palau.These jellyfish have no stinging nematocysts and feed exclusively from photosynthesis.
By Shane Keena
posted Tuesday, May 28, 2019
17 votes

Eye to eye with a humpback whale.
By Shane Keena
posted Friday, April 5, 2019
16 votes

This cheeky humpback rolled and frolicked at the surface before giving me an up close swish of it's fluke and returning back down to mom resting below.
By Shane Keena
posted Friday, August 30, 2019
15 votes

A playful humpback whale rolls and frolics just below the surface of the water in Ha'apai, Kingdom of Tonga.
By Shane Keena
posted Saturday, June 15, 2019
14 votes

A trio of the oceans predators patrol the sandy banks of Tiger Beach in the Bahamas. The endangered Great Hammerhead comes in for a close fly-by while Caribbean reef sharks circle above and behind.
By Shane Keena
posted Thursday, April 4, 2019
13 votes

A Great Hammerhead shark (Sphyrna mokarran) named
By Shane Keena
posted Thursday, April 4, 2019
13 votes

A curious and playful Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis) comes in for a close eye to eye encounter. Canon EOS 5D3, 8-15mm fisheye shot at 12mm, Nauticam housing , Zen dome 230.
By Shane Keena
posted Friday, August 2, 2019
12 votes

A tiger shark comes in low and close against my dome port at 10mm at Tiger Beach.
By Shane Keena
posted Friday, November 29, 2019
11 votes

Humpback whale calf fly-by 
This gorgeous calf gave us one this one epic fly-by as mom rested below before swimming off into the blue. Ha'Apai, Kingdom of Tonga.
By Shane Keena
posted Wednesday, April 10, 2019
8 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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12 Entries Found
A tiger shark comes in low and close against my dome port at 10mm at Tiger Beach.
This cheeky humpback rolled and frolicked at the surface before giving me an up close swish of it's fluke and returning back down to mom resting below.
A curious and playful Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis) comes in for a close eye to eye encounter. Canon EOS 5D3, 8-15mm fisheye shot at 12mm, Nauticam housing , Zen dome 230.
A playful humpback whale rolls and frolics just below the surface of the water in Ha'apai, Kingdom of Tonga.
Golden jellyfish (Mastigias papua etpisoni) Jellyfish Lake located in Koror, Palau.These jellyfish have no stinging nematocysts and feed exclusively from photosynthesis.
Humpback whale calf fly-by
This gorgeous calf gave us one this one epic fly-by as mom rested below before swimming off into the blue. Ha'Apai, Kingdom of Tonga.
A long awaited first kiss on a friendly gray whale calf in Guerrero Negro's Scammons Lagoon ("Laguna Ojo de Liebre") in Baja, Mexico.
Its hard to fathom that it was not that long ago that humans hunted these magnificent and sentient creatures.
Humpback mom and calf
Sometimes things go just right. A mother and calf humpback approach within 15 feet in gin clear water off the sandy shallows of Ha'apai, Tonga.
Eye to eye with a humpback whale.
A Great Hammerhead shark (Sphyrna mokarran) named "Patches" up close at Tiger Beach, Bahamas.
Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)
I only had a couple of seconds to reset my focus points and switch to portrait orientation as this stunning adult humpback whale slowly ascended to the surface off the coast of Ha'apai, Kingdom of Tonga.
A trio of the oceans predators patrol the sandy banks of Tiger Beach in the Bahamas. The endangered Great Hammerhead comes in for a close fly-by while Caribbean reef sharks circle above and behind.
12 Entries Found