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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By George Ordenes

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Peoples' Vote

D300 105mm 2 strobes
By George Ordenes
posted Wednesday, February 3, 2010
38 votes

Night dive at Blue Heron Bridge 
Blenny shot with d300 105mm single  strobe with snoot at 6mm
By George Ordenes
posted Wednesday, July 28, 2010
33 votes

Self portrait with a file fish and black coral
d300 10-17mm Tokina with the 100mm Zen mini dome
By George Ordenes
posted Tuesday, July 27, 2010
25 votes

Hilma Hooker in Bonaire with David Fleetham as the model
D300 subal housing 2 ys-250 strobes 11-16 tokina @11mm
By George Ordenes
posted Tuesday, December 22, 2009
23 votes

seahorse at Blue Heron Bridge
By George Ordenes
posted Thursday, February 4, 2010
23 votes

Arrow crab shot with D300 105mm and subsee +10 diopter
single ys-250     No crop
By George Ordenes
posted Saturday, July 31, 2010
22 votes

Seahorse at BHB
Backlit with off camera strobe
D300 105mm
By George Ordenes
posted Thursday, August 12, 2010
20 votes

Cleaner shrimp in Little Cayman  D300 105mm with subsea +10 diopter
By George Ordenes
posted Monday, July 26, 2010
19 votes

Sting ray and jack shot with a magic filter.
D300 11-16mm tokina
By George Ordenes
posted Thursday, July 29, 2010
19 votes

Blenny shot at night with snoot at BHB
D300 105mm single strobe 6mm snoot
By George Ordenes
posted Wednesday, August 4, 2010
19 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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23 Entries Found
Diver and whip coral on Bloody Bay Wall Little Cayman
D300 10-17mm Tokina
Seahorse at BHB
Backlit with off camera strobe
D300 105mm
Back lit seahorse at BHB
D300 105mm
Off camera strobe triggered on slave
This little guy would not leave me during a recent night dive. He swam around my camera until I got out of the water.
D300 105mm single ys-250
Blenny shot at night with snoot at BHB
D300 105mm single strobe 6mm snoot
Stingray and jack
Arrow crab shot with D300 105mm and subsee +10 diopter
single ys-250 No crop

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
Not the traditional Arrow crab shot but this one sits nicely in the frame
Pipe fish at Blue Heron Bridge.
D300 105mm fiber optic snoot at 6mm
Sting ray and jack shot with a magic filter.
D300 11-16mm tokina
Night dive at Blue Heron Bridge
Blenny shot with d300 105mm single strobe with snoot at 6mm
Self portrait with a file fish and black coral
d300 10-17mm Tokina with the 100mm Zen mini dome
Cleaner shrimp in Little Cayman D300 105mm with subsea +10 diopter
Juvenile trunk shot with a D300, 105mm and fiber optic snoot necked down to 7mm. Shot at Blue Heron Bridge
Bubble back
d300 105 mm with +10 diopter
seahorse at Blue Heron Bridge
D300 105mm 2 strobes
105mm 2x teleconverter and +10 dipoter
No crop
d300 105vr with a +10 diopter subsee
I shot this Secretary Blenny at Blue Herron Bridge. with a d300 105mm, 2x Kenco teleconverter and a sub see +10 diopter
The Port at Bonaire
Salt pier on the last day in Bonaire
Hilma Hooker in Bonaire with David Fleetham as the model
D300 subal housing 2 ys-250 strobes 11-16 tokina @11mm
Silver Medal Silver Medal 2009

Final RoundThrough to 2009 awards final round judging

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
the prop is a wreck hotspot - add a diver and it comes alive
I found this tiny crab on a blue tube sponge at the base of the Petons ( St. Lucia) during a drift dive.
d300, dual strobes, 105mm +10 subsee diopter as shot no crop
23 Entries Found