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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Andrea Severino

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Peoples' Vote

this poor morey eel is being picked at from the back from another diver...  so my camera was at risk... (!)
Sea and Sea DX1G with YS27
By Andrea Severino
posted Tuesday, November 4, 2008
29 votes

a nice little crab in a hole...  well ... in a sponge!
By Andrea Severino
posted Monday, November 10, 2008
25 votes

first you get it ... afterward you think how to swallow it! ---  poor mechanic shrimp!
Sealife DC800 with strobe
By Andrea Severino
posted Sunday, November 9, 2008
21 votes

looking at me???
By Andrea Severino
posted Thursday, November 13, 2008
20 votes

An upbeat Gray Angel Fish driving me mad as it just kept swimming like mad!
Recorded on a SEA&SEA DX1G and 19mm wide and YS17 strobe
By Andrea Severino
posted Tuesday, November 11, 2008
19 votes

A small but colorful fish that likes to poke at scuba divers!
FUJI Finepix F31D
By Andrea Severino
posted Sunday, November 2, 2008
18 votes

a worm that grows out of a buoy at -8 meters ...  is a lot nicer to look at than what the words say!
Dx1g with 19mm wide angle and strobe
By Andrea Severino
posted Saturday, November 1, 2008
17 votes

Hanging on during our tough times...

Photo taken with a finepix F31fd
By Andrea Severino
posted Wednesday, November 5, 2008
15 votes

nice symbiosis in the sea
By Andrea Severino
posted Wednesday, October 29, 2008
12 votes

a small micro shrimp (about 7mm) on a flabellina makes this a curious shot...!  taken with fuji finepix31
By Andrea Severino
posted Friday, November 14, 2008
11 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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15 Entries Found
it almost seemed a sponge... it is not
Periclemenes on Anemone with Clowns in the background...
a small micro shrimp (about 7mm) on a flabellina makes this a curious shot...! taken with fuji finepix31
looking at me???
An upbeat Gray Angel Fish driving me mad as it just kept swimming like mad!
Recorded on a SEA&SEA DX1G and 19mm wide and YS17 strobe
a nice little crab in a hole... well ... in a sponge!

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
a secret world
first you get it ... afterward you think how to swallow it! --- poor mechanic shrimp!
Sealife DC800 with strobe
sea&Sea dx1g with wideangle
Sparus Salpa everywhere ! but these 2 seemed always together...
Sea&Sea DX1G with wide angle
Hanging on during our tough times...
Photo taken with a finepix F31fd
this poor morey eel is being picked at from the back from another diver... so my camera was at risk... (!)
Sea and Sea DX1G with YS27
A small but colorful fish that likes to poke at scuba divers!
FUJI Finepix F31D
a worm that grows out of a buoy at -8 meters ... is a lot nicer to look at than what the words say!
Dx1g with 19mm wide angle and strobe
called the Donzella Pavonina --- it's one of the most colorful small fish in the Mediterranean. Shot at about 16 mt with Sea&Sea DX1g
nice symbiosis in the sea
15 Entries Found