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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Melanie Daneluk

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Our underwater photography contest is the longest running and most prestigious online. If you want to make a name for yourself this is THE place to do it.
Just look at some of the internationally acclaimed photographers who have launched their u/w photo careers here over the years.

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Peoples' Vote

Grumpy old fart!  Squirrelfish taking me head-on.  First pic entered into contest.
By Melanie Daneluk
posted Thursday, September 11, 2008
36 votes

One of my favorite subjects!
By Melanie Daneluk
posted Thursday, March 26, 2009
24 votes

Phantom of the ocean.  Manta on night dive.
By Melanie Daneluk
posted Monday, February 16, 2009
20 votes

Jewel of the night. Big-fin reef squid. Followed this beauty for a long time but had a really tough time getting the camera to focus and take the shot.  I guess that's the trouble with being a newbie!  Any suggestions on what my settings should be?
By Melanie Daneluk
posted Thursday, February 5, 2009
18 votes

Manta at Garden Eel Cove, Kona, Hawaii.  Incredible experience!!
By Melanie Daneluk
posted Friday, February 6, 2009
18 votes

Show off!!  Yellow hairy hermit crab in Triton's Trumpet Shell.
By Melanie Daneluk
posted Monday, February 9, 2009
17 votes

Smile for the camera!
By Melanie Daneluk
posted Monday, January 3, 2011
17 votes

Dramatic sponges
By Melanie Daneluk
posted Sunday, September 14, 2008
16 votes

Midnight dance
By Melanie Daneluk
posted Friday, December 12, 2008
15 votes

By Melanie Daneluk
posted Tuesday, February 3, 2009
15 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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27 Entries Found
Smile for the camera!
Bearded fireworm
Good growth on this wreck
Flamingo tongue
The beautiful Wind Surf.
One of my favorite subjects!
Phantom of the ocean. Manta on night dive.
Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...
Raccoon Butterflyfish with diver (thanks for modeling, yet again, honey!)
At your service...Anyt'ing for me to clean?? -Pierre (Jacques' cousin),
Banded Boxer Shrimp
Show off!! Yellow hairy hermit crab in Triton's Trumpet Shell.
Arrow crab with anemone and sea rods
Cluster of Sponges, Grand Cayman (Aplysina Fistularis)
Manta at Garden Eel Cove, Kona, Hawaii. Incredible experience!!
Jewel of the night. Big-fin reef squid. Followed this beauty for a long time but had a really tough time getting the camera to focus and take the shot. I guess that's the trouble with being a newbie! Any suggestions on what my settings should be?
French Angelfish with diver
Presenting...the Queen of Angelfish.
Amazing sponges at about 100 ft
Beautiful Brain Coral in Grand Cayman
Look into my EYE!
(I'm getting braver and braver to get into the face of terror!)
Yellow Edged Moray.
Happy 15 year anniversary, honey!!
Sunset at the Fairmont Orchid, Hawaii
Midnight dance
Just hanging out (frogfish on an anchor)
All ok!
I think the different corals are so amazing!!
Class Anthozoa (L. flower-like animal) Subclass Octocorallia
Dramatic sponges
Grumpy old fart! Squirrelfish taking me head-on. First pic entered into contest.
27 Entries Found