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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By James Ong

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Peoples' Vote

Painted Frog Fish in Anilao. Tools: Canon S1 IS, Inon D2000.
By James Ong
posted Thursday, October 16, 2008
35 votes

Pinnicle of a Jelly Fish. Pulau Redang. Canon G10.
By James Ong
posted Tuesday, June 30, 2009
29 votes

Taken in Anilao. Canon G10 with Inon D2000.
By James Ong
posted Sunday, March 15, 2009
27 votes

Coleman Shrimp in Anilao. Tools: Canon S1 IS, Inon D2000
By James Ong
posted Wednesday, October 15, 2008
26 votes

Anemone Fish. Canon G10, Inon D2000, Inon M67 close up.
By James Ong
posted Wednesday, May 13, 2009
23 votes

Blue Ring Octopus taken in Perhentian. Tools: Canon G9, inon d2000.
By James Ong
posted Thursday, October 9, 2008
22 votes

Snake Eel on a night Dive !!! Tools: Canon S1 IS, Inon D2000
By James Ong
posted Tuesday, October 14, 2008
22 votes

Amazing eyelid of a Crocodile fish !!! Tools : Canon S1 IS, inon D2000.
By James Ong
posted Monday, October 13, 2008
21 votes

On a sunny day... calm sea.. good visibility... Mr. Chan choose to take a dump underwater... 
By James Ong
posted Saturday, March 14, 2009
20 votes

Flamboyant Cuttlefish In Kapalai. Tools: Canon S1 IS, Inon D2000.
By James Ong
posted Saturday, October 18, 2008
19 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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19 Entries Found
Pinnacle of another Jelly Fish!!!
Pinnicle of a Jelly Fish. Pulau Redang. Canon G10.
Anemone Fish. Canon G10, Inon D2000, Inon M67 close up.
Look Carefully !!!... it's a Nudi carrying a Smiley buddy with coconut tree like hair on her back... Taken with canon G10 in Anilao.
Taken in Anilao. Canon G10 with Inon D2000.
On a sunny day... calm sea.. good visibility... Mr. Chan choose to take a dump underwater...
Blue Ring Octopus !!! taken with canon G10.
My dive buddies... lolz... taken in Anilao... Backlight shot... with a glowing edge filter.. cheers..
Sunset in Maldives.. Tools: Canon S1 IS
Flamboyant Cuttlefish In Kapalai. Tools: Canon S1 IS, Inon D2000.
CHARGE!!!! Napoleon Wrasse in coming!!! Tools: Canon S1 IS, Inon D2000
Painted Frog Fish in Anilao. Tools: Canon S1 IS, Inon D2000.
Coleman Shrimp in Anilao. Tools: Canon S1 IS, Inon D2000
Snake Eel on a night Dive !!! Tools: Canon S1 IS, Inon D2000
Amazing eyelid of a Crocodile fish !!! Tools : Canon S1 IS, inon D2000.
Finalist for Sipadan Next Top Model (Shell Category). Tools: Canon S1 IS, Inon D2000
Cuttlefish in Pulau Tioman, Taken with Canon S1 IS, Inon D2000
Panda Clown says "MINI ME". Tools: Canon G9 with Inon D2000 m67 close up lens
Blue Ring Octopus taken in Perhentian. Tools: Canon G9, inon d2000.
19 Entries Found