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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Kristen Hardy

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Peoples' Vote

A unexpected breach by a humpback in Sydney Harbour.
By Kristen Hardy
posted Saturday, July 12, 2008
21 votes

wide eyed morays having a chat

- the sock puppets of the sea!
By Kristen Hardy
posted Saturday, June 21, 2008
20 votes

moray madness!
By Kristen Hardy
posted Sunday, June 22, 2008
18 votes

its MY FISH! a massive cuttlefish feeding. Manly, Sydney.
By Kristen Hardy
posted Monday, April 28, 2008
17 votes

best friends by the sea at sundown.
By Kristen Hardy
posted Monday, May 19, 2008
17 votes

Weedy sea dragon. Blue fish point. Sydney.
By Kristen Hardy
posted Friday, April 25, 2008
16 votes

Beautiful weedy sea dragon. This one was carrying eggs. :-)
By Kristen Hardy
posted Tuesday, January 27, 2009
15 votes

fish dinner....
By Kristen Hardy
posted Sunday, May 4, 2008
14 votes

glossodoris hanging out together at Fairlite, Sydney. canon G10 with canon housing. no strobe.
By Kristen Hardy
posted Thursday, April 16, 2009
13 votes

A juvenile dusky whaler shark. Syndey, Australia. Taken with Canon G10 with Canon housing.
By Kristen Hardy
posted Wednesday, June 3, 2009
13 votes
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21 Entries Found
A juvenile dusky whaler shark. Syndey, Australia. Taken with Canon G10 with Canon housing.
glossodoris hanging out together at Fairlite, Sydney. canon G10 with canon housing. no strobe.
Beautiful nudi at Fairlite, Sydney. Canon G10, canon housing. No strobe.
Beautiful weedy sea dragon. This one was carrying eggs. :-)
nudi at Bare Island, Sydney.
Lovely nudi. Taken with olympus mju770 with pt 035 housing and sealife strobe.
nemo and his mates.
A unexpected breach by a humpback in Sydney Harbour.
moray madness!
wide eyed morays having a chat
- the sock puppets of the sea!
best friends by the sea at sundown.
my curious cuttle-friend.
Grey nurse shark at magic point Syndey. May 08
Grey Nurse shark cruises by at Magic point. sydney.
a Port Jackson Shark poses for the camera. So cute. My what large nostrils you have!!
High Five?!!... curious Groper at Magic Point. Sydney.
fish dinner....
its MY FISH! a massive cuttlefish feeding. Manly, Sydney.
Weedy sea dragon. Blue fish point. Sydney.
Eastern blue groper tail. Manly, Sydney. Olympus MJU 770
SMILE! an eastern blue groper. Manly, Sydney. Taken with an Olympus mju 770, no housing.
21 Entries Found