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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Claire Kennedy

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Peoples' Vote

Pederson Shrimp Eyes, Cozumel, Mexico, Spring Break
By Claire Kennedy
posted Thursday, March 27, 2008
39 votes

Sargent Major Reef
By Claire Kennedy
posted Thursday, July 31, 2008
27 votes

Owl's Eye - not really, but these social feather dusters look like it.  The center of the worm tree looks exactly like an eye.
By Claire Kennedy
posted Sunday, February 24, 2008
24 votes

Moray swimming around looking for munchies
By Claire Kennedy
posted Saturday, August 2, 2008
23 votes

If you can catch one standing/sitting still, they are fun to watch - from Cozumel, during a trip which my buddy and I were diving alone so we could spend as much time as we wanted hunting for neat critters to photograph.
By Claire Kennedy
posted Monday, April 7, 2008
21 votes

Flounder eye in Cozumel, taken with Canon EOS30D with 100 mm 2.8 lens, taken by my dive buddy Walt Hill.
By Claire Kennedy
posted Wednesday, April 2, 2008
18 votes

Frederikstad Pier, sand crab, crab, little crab,  This was off the pier which is fished regularly.  This pier was full of fabulous critters and fish and this little guy (about ½
By Claire Kennedy
posted Thursday, February 21, 2008
16 votes

Brittlestars need cleaning too!
By Claire Kennedy
posted Monday, December 29, 2008
16 votes

green, eel, moray, scary, mouth. Most best shots are whimsical and this is no exception - I was just looking around and here he popped out just to pose for my camera.
By Claire Kennedy
posted Friday, February 22, 2008
15 votes

The eyes of a Ray.  Southern Sting Ray eyes and gills.
By Claire Kennedy
posted Sunday, March 30, 2008
15 votes
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15 Entries Found
I have never seen this shrimp before this trip to Cozumel, and saw it almost every Caribbean carpet anemone there. Obviously the health of the reef is excellent, Any help in ID on this shrimp would be great!
Brittlestars need cleaning too!
Squat Shrimp next to an anemone - just happen to be a whole bunch of them
Moray swimming around looking for munchies
Sargent Major Reef
If you can catch one standing/sitting still, they are fun to watch - from Cozumel, during a trip which my buddy and I were diving alone so we could spend as much time as we wanted hunting for neat critters to photograph.
Flounder eye in Cozumel, taken with Canon EOS30D with 100 mm 2.8 lens, taken by my dive buddy Walt Hill.
Double Flamingoes.....Canon EOS 30D, 100/2.8 macro lens w/2 D55 strobes. This photo was take by my dive buddy, Walt Hill
The eyes of a Ray. Southern Sting Ray eyes and gills.
Pederson Shrimp Eyes, Cozumel, Mexico, Spring Break
Queen Angelfish from Cozumel
Owl's Eye - not really, but these social feather dusters look like it. The center of the worm tree looks exactly like an eye.
green, eel, moray, scary, mouth. Most best shots are whimsical and this is no exception - I was just looking around and here he popped out just to pose for my camera.
Frederikstad Pier, sand crab, crab, little crab, This was off the pier which is fished regularly. This pier was full of fabulous critters and fish and this little guy (about ½" in diameter) was trying to bury himself in the sand to hide!
15 Entries Found