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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Kirsi Lehtinen

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Peoples' Vote

The Reef of Layang Layang Atoll Malesia.
By Kirsi Lehtinen
posted Monday, May 26, 2008
32 votes

White Nudibranch in Koh Talu, Krabi. Olympus SP350
By Kirsi Lehtinen
posted Monday, April 21, 2008
20 votes

Blue Moment at Koh Si Ao Nang Local Islands, Krabi, Thailand. Around the corals were a big school of juvenile barracuda. Olympus SP350
By Kirsi Lehtinen
posted Sunday, April 20, 2008
18 votes

Koh Talu, Ao Nang Local Island, the most common nudibranche in the area and the most beautiful!
By Kirsi Lehtinen
posted Wednesday, April 23, 2008
18 votes

Koh Talu  and all the fish. Olympus SP 350
By Kirsi Lehtinen
posted Friday, April 18, 2008
17 votes

Low Season sunset at Ao Nang Beach, Thailand. Olympus E-420
By Kirsi Lehtinen
posted Saturday, September 27, 2008
15 votes

Sweet lips at Layang Layang Atoll. The picture of Harlequen Sweetlips has been croped a bit from the original. Olympus SP-350
By Kirsi Lehtinen
posted Thursday, May 29, 2008
13 votes

Nice lionfish at Layang Layang Atoll. Olympus SP-350
By Kirsi Lehtinen
posted Tuesday, May 13, 2008
12 votes

Big school of Snappers in Local Islands Ao Nang.
By Kirsi Lehtinen
posted Thursday, June 19, 2008
11 votes

Started to play with photoshop...Original picture taken in Koh Phi Phi, Thailand.
By Kirsi Lehtinen
posted Saturday, May 31, 2008
10 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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15 Entries Found
Low Season sunset at Ao Nang Beach, Thailand. Olympus E-420
Big school of Snappers in Local Islands Ao Nang.
Started to play with photoshop...Original picture taken in Koh Phi Phi, Thailand.
Sweet lips at Layang Layang Atoll. The picture of Harlequen Sweetlips has been croped a bit from the original. Olympus SP-350
The Reef of Layang Layang Atoll Malesia.
Nice lionfish at Layang Layang Atoll. Olympus SP-350
Koh Talu, Ao Nang Local Island, the most common nudibranche in the area and the most beautiful!
White Nudibranch in Koh Talu, Krabi. Olympus SP350
Blue Moment at Koh Si Ao Nang Local Islands, Krabi, Thailand. Around the corals were a big school of juvenile barracuda. Olympus SP350
Koh Talu and all the fish. Olympus SP 350
Honeycomb Morey Eel and Wrasse
School of Jacks in Koh Bon, Thailand
Scorpion Fish, Koh Bon, Thailand. Camera used Olympus SP350
2 Nudibrances on a wall of Koh Talu, Ao Nang Islands, Thailand
Cuttle fish, Hin Bida: Phi Phi Islands
15 Entries Found