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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Len Nuttall

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Peoples' Vote

Giant French Angel.  Sea and Sea 1G with YS strobe
By Len Nuttall
posted Thursday, September 4, 2008
19 votes

Brooding anemone.  DX-1G  YS-110A strobe.  F9-125 iso 100
By Len Nuttall
posted Tuesday, October 6, 2009
19 votes

God must be close.  Truk Lagoon.  Mast of the Fujikawa Maru
By Len Nuttall
posted Tuesday, September 9, 2008
18 votes

Wreck Helma Hooker.  Used only ambient light.
By Len Nuttall
posted Sunday, April 12, 2009
18 votes

Hilma Hooker in Bonaire.  DX-G1 with natural light.
By Len Nuttall
posted Tuesday, September 29, 2009
16 votes

Sea and Sea DX-G1 with one YS 110A Strobe...F8/200 ISO 200.

Jelly fish heading for the sun...
By Len Nuttall
posted Saturday, September 25, 2010
16 votes

F5.6 1/250 ttl sea and sea G1 with 1 110a strobe
By Len Nuttall
posted Sunday, November 8, 2009
15 votes

nubribranch found in Edmonds Marine Park. taken with a sea n sea DX-G1 with single strobe YS-110a.
By Len Nuttall
posted Monday, February 13, 2012
15 votes

Taken with Sea&Sea DX-G1 with 110A Strobes.  F8/250 ISO 200.
By Len Nuttall
posted Sunday, September 19, 2010
13 votes

Sharptail Eel..  Didnt want his picture taken...took several shots of blurring eel before I finally got this.  D1GX Sea and Sea
By Len Nuttall
posted Thursday, April 16, 2009
12 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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19 Entries Found
Wolf Eel..My sea andn sea DGX-1 was crapping out.. Took a lot of photos but most of them look good only in black and white...Time to upgrade...
Cenote dive. DX-G1 with sea and sea strobe...
taken with a DX-G1 sea and sea with single strobe YS-110a.
nubribranch found in Edmonds Marine Park. taken with a sea n sea DX-G1 with single strobe YS-110a.
picture of a cabezon in the Edmonds Marine Park.
not sure what they are but lots of them in one place...F8/250 YS110A
Cortez Round Stingray.. F8/200 ISO 200 one YS100A strobe.
Sea and Sea DX-G1 with one YS 110A Strobe...F8/200 ISO 200.
Jelly fish heading for the sun...
Taken with Sea&Sea DX-G1 with 110A Strobes. F8/250 ISO 200.
F5.6 1/250 ttl sea and sea G1 with 1 110a strobe
Brooding anemone. DX-1G YS-110A strobe. F9-125 iso 100
Hilma Hooker in Bonaire. DX-G1 with natural light.
not award winning but a reminder of color in the dark, cold waters of the pacific. Taken at night with a DX-1G with YS 110A strobe. F8@125 ISO 100
Sharptail Eel.. Didnt want his picture taken...took several shots of blurring eel before I finally got this. D1GX Sea and Sea
Wreck Helma Hooker. Used only ambient light.
Octupus at Rebbeca Rock, Powell River BC CANADA.
Hey! What are you looking at. Scorpion fish, I believe
Taken with DG-1X with YS-110 strobe at 40 feet.
God must be close. Truk Lagoon. Mast of the Fujikawa Maru
Giant French Angel. Sea and Sea 1G with YS strobe
19 Entries Found