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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Brendan Shepherd

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Peoples' Vote

I was amazed to find this tiny juvenile Short Headed Seahorse staring at me, they are usually very shy and turn away. Olympus 5060, Sea&Sea ys-90 Duo, Nikonos sb105. Port Philip Bay Melbourne.Taken 25 Nov 2008.
By Brendan Shepherd
posted Friday, December 5, 2008
28 votes

This beautiful Big Bellied Seahorse was happy to let me get right in close so I could fill my view finder with his portrait. Olympus 5060;Sea&Sea ys-90 and Nikonos sb105. Taken 12 Oct 2008.
By Brendan Shepherd
posted Saturday, December 6, 2008
20 votes

This Blue Ring Octopus sat confidently up on his perch as he surveyed his reef before him.
Olympus 5060. Nikonos sb105.   Port Philip Bay Melbourne
By Brendan Shepherd
posted Thursday, December 11, 2008
18 votes

Southern Bobtail Squid. Taken in Port Philip Bay Melbourne.   Olympus 5060. Nikonos sb105 and Sea&Sea ys90 duo.
By Brendan Shepherd
posted Monday, December 15, 2008
18 votes

This Bluering Octopus was in no mood to play and as I was composing the shot he just up and left. Earlier something had been nibbling the ends of his tenticles.  Olympus 5060
By Brendan Shepherd
posted Sunday, December 7, 2008
17 votes

Big Bellied Seahorse.
Olympus 5060.
By Brendan Shepherd
posted Monday, December 8, 2008
17 votes

Anemone Fish @
By Brendan Shepherd
posted Sunday, December 14, 2008
11 votes

Big Bellied Seahorse.
Olympus 5060. Nikonos sb105 , Sea&Sea ys-90
By Brendan Shepherd
posted Wednesday, December 10, 2008
10 votes

Big Bellied Seahorse, taken in Melbourne's Port Philip Bay.
Olympus 5060, Nikonos sb105
By Brendan Shepherd
posted Tuesday, December 16, 2008
8 votes

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9 Entries Found
Big Bellied Seahorse, taken in Melbourne's Port Philip Bay.
Olympus 5060, Nikonos sb105
Southern Bobtail Squid. Taken in Port Philip Bay Melbourne. Olympus 5060. Nikonos sb105 and Sea&Sea ys90 duo.
Anemone Fish @ "Steve's Bommie" Great Barrier Reef. Taken July 08. Olympus 5060 ; Nikonos sb105 ; Sea&Sea ys90 Duo
This Blue Ring Octopus sat confidently up on his perch as he surveyed his reef before him.
Olympus 5060. Nikonos sb105. Port Philip Bay Melbourne
Big Bellied Seahorse.
Olympus 5060. Nikonos sb105 , Sea&Sea ys-90
Big Bellied Seahorse.
Olympus 5060.
This Bluering Octopus was in no mood to play and as I was composing the shot he just up and left. Earlier something had been nibbling the ends of his tenticles. Olympus 5060
This beautiful Big Bellied Seahorse was happy to let me get right in close so I could fill my view finder with his portrait. Olympus 5060;Sea&Sea ys-90 and Nikonos sb105. Taken 12 Oct 2008.
I was amazed to find this tiny juvenile Short Headed Seahorse staring at me, they are usually very shy and turn away. Olympus 5060, Sea&Sea ys-90 Duo, Nikonos sb105. Port Philip Bay Melbourne.Taken 25 Nov 2008.
9 Entries Found