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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Mish Bayoumi

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Peoples' Vote

Chicken Wreck off Jeddah
By Mish Bayoumi
posted Monday, November 19, 2007
27 votes

Coral Garden, Jeddah. Sealife DC500
By Mish Bayoumi
posted Monday, November 19, 2007
26 votes

The outward journey, scanning the horizon.
By Mish Bayoumi
posted Monday, November 19, 2007
23 votes

Tim rolling a cage into deeper water, Rabiqh. 
By Mish Bayoumi
posted Monday, November 19, 2007
22 votes

Hawksbill turtle, Rabiqh. DC500
By Mish Bayoumi
posted Monday, November 19, 2007
22 votes

Sunset over Marmar island in the Farasan Banks.
By Mish Bayoumi
posted Tuesday, June 17, 2008
16 votes

Menna looking through a portside porthole on the AnnAnn Wreck off the coast of Jeddah. 
Taken with a Sealife DC800
By Mish Bayoumi
posted Saturday, July 18, 2009
16 votes

Gail looking up at me through the chicken wreck, jeddah. Taken with DC500
By Mish Bayoumi
posted Monday, November 19, 2007
15 votes

a very pleasant safety stop
By Mish Bayoumi
posted Friday, August 29, 2008
15 votes

Frogfish on sabang wreck 1, mindoro island. Sealife DC1000
By Mish Bayoumi
posted Tuesday, June 8, 2010
14 votes
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13 Entries Found
Frogfish on sabang wreck 1, mindoro island. Sealife DC1000
White Stonefish hiding in some coral
Menna looking through a portside porthole on the AnnAnn Wreck off the coast of Jeddah.
Taken with a Sealife DC800
a very pleasant safety stop
Sunset over Marmar island in the Farasan Banks.
Nice mix of colours
Aptly named Cable Wreck. Off Jeddah, taken with a sealife DC500
The outward journey, scanning the horizon.
Hawksbill turtle, Rabiqh. DC500
Tim rolling a cage into deeper water, Rabiqh.
Coral Garden, Jeddah. Sealife DC500
Gail looking up at me through the chicken wreck, jeddah. Taken with DC500
Chicken Wreck off Jeddah
13 Entries Found