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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Shawn Holm

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Peoples' Vote

Christmas Tree Worm using my Fujifilm Finepix f100fd with underwater housing.
By Shawn Holm
posted Monday, April 27, 2009
14 votes

Zebra Liofish: saw him hunting little tiny fish for his (or her) dinner.
By Shawn Holm
posted Friday, May 1, 2009
10 votes

White-Lined lionfish off of Taba, Egypt. Very many seen.  Took this with Fujifilm Finepix f100fd with underwater housing.
By Shawn Holm
posted Thursday, April 30, 2009
9 votes

Spotted Eagle Ray from a distance using natural light with a Sealife Reefmaster DC310.
By Shawn Holm
posted Sunday, July 23, 2006
3 votes

Taken with a Sealife Reefmaster without external flash. No diving, only snorkelling.
By Shawn Holm
posted Monday, July 3, 2006
2 votes

I just love swimming with the turtles. They are so peaceful and majestic. This one was very happy to have his photo taken.
By Shawn Holm
posted Tuesday, July 4, 2006
2 votes

The rare 'rainbow Napolean Wrasse'. Just kidding. These things are huge and quite shy. They can be pretty quick to so had to flip fast and keep the camera steady at the same time.
By Shawn Holm
posted Wednesday, July 5, 2006
1 votes

Friendly turtle diving after getting a breath of fresh air. Taken with natural light using a Sealife Reefmaster DC310
By Shawn Holm
posted Tuesday, July 11, 2006
1 votes

I couldn't remember if I submitted this photo yet, but I think it was better quality. Photos cannot do these fish justice as they are so huge with great big fat lips.
By Shawn Holm
posted Monday, July 17, 2006
1 votes

A scribbled pufferfish found in the Maldives. Very intricate markings.
By Shawn Holm
posted Thursday, July 20, 2006
1 votes
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14 Entries Found
Zebra Liofish: saw him hunting little tiny fish for his (or her) dinner.
White-Lined lionfish off of Taba, Egypt. Very many seen. Took this with Fujifilm Finepix f100fd with underwater housing.
Christmas Tree Worm using my Fujifilm Finepix f100fd with underwater housing.
Baby black tipped reef sharks, would come to the shore every day at Dhiggiri island to say hi.
I just love watching octopi and the way they can mimic their surroundings so easily. Caught this one with his friends in mid transformation about to make a move for cover.
Spotted Eagle Ray from a distance using natural light with a Sealife Reefmaster DC310.
One of many lined Surgeonfish that we saw. This one had a little buddy swimming with him. Taken with my Sealife Reefmaster DC310
A scribbled pufferfish found in the Maldives. Very intricate markings.
I couldn't remember if I submitted this photo yet, but I think it was better quality. Photos cannot do these fish justice as they are so huge with great big fat lips.
Friendly turtle diving after getting a breath of fresh air. Taken with natural light using a Sealife Reefmaster DC310
This is a gorgeous striped triggerfish with a Blue-striped snapper. Taken in the Maldives whilst snorkelling.
The rare 'rainbow Napolean Wrasse'. Just kidding. These things are huge and quite shy. They can be pretty quick to so had to flip fast and keep the camera steady at the same time.
I just love swimming with the turtles. They are so peaceful and majestic. This one was very happy to have his photo taken.
Taken with a Sealife Reefmaster without external flash. No diving, only snorkelling.
14 Entries Found