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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Malcolm Nimmo

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Peoples' Vote

A surprise wave ..
By Malcolm Nimmo
posted Wednesday, September 24, 2008
24 votes

A jewel from the Scillies....
By Malcolm Nimmo
posted Friday, August 8, 2008
23 votes

Just hanging around in the Maldives
By Malcolm Nimmo
posted Wednesday, April 16, 2008
22 votes

Another early morning dive in the Maldives
By Malcolm Nimmo
posted Wednesday, April 2, 2008
20 votes

Contented diver at the surface ...
By Malcolm Nimmo
posted Friday, March 28, 2008
19 votes

Unknown  anchor - Isles of Scilly
By Malcolm Nimmo
posted Monday, September 8, 2008
18 votes

Close up of a squat lobster , Sound of Mull, Scotland
By Malcolm Nimmo
posted Thursday, August 21, 2008
17 votes

A moray eel going unnoticed ...
By Malcolm Nimmo
posted Monday, April 7, 2008
16 votes

Tiny nudibranch  -- Isles of Scilly
By Malcolm Nimmo
posted Wednesday, August 13, 2008
16 votes

An inquisitive nudibranch  - Isles of Scilly,uk – Nikon d70s with 60mm lens
By Malcolm Nimmo
posted Monday, August 4, 2008
15 votes
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88 Entries Found: Page 1  of  4
A surprise wave ..
A mixed bouquet of plumose anenomes - Isels of Scillly
Seven stones , SW Engalnd - wreck of the Fantee
A small tompot hiding in some sea squirts, Isles of Scilly
Unknown anchor - Isles of Scilly
Close up of a squat lobster , Sound of Mull, Scotland
A couple of Nudibranchs in an amorous embrace on the Rondo, Sound of Mull , Scotland
A lonely green morph of a Jewel anenome- Isles of Scilly - again.....
A nice reef - Isles of Scilly, UKl
Laying eggs on kelp..
Tiny nudibranch -- Isles of Scilly
Plumose colony off the coast of the Isles of Scilly
A jewel from the Scillies....
A shot taken on the port side of the Thesis in the Sound of Mull , Scotland
An inquisitive nudibranch - Isles of Scilly,uk – Nikon d70s with 60mm lens
Just hanging around in the Maldives
A moray eel going unnoticed ...
Another shot from the Maldives - Nikon d70 and 12-24mm wide angle with sea & sea housing
Another early morning dive in the Maldives
Early morning dive in the Maldives - beats working !!
Contented diver at the surface ...
Nice wrasse !!!
Batfish ...
Spiritual guidance in Tioman....
Two Devonshire Cup Corals...
Nice red dead mans finger near the wreck of the Hathor /Plympton ; Isles of Scilly
Oh no - not another jewel anenome.. afriad so ..Isles of Scilly
88 Entries Found: Page 1  of  4