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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Bill Strode

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Peoples' Vote

Shark on a dive in Truk Micronesia
By Bill Strode
posted Sunday, May 7, 2006
11 votes

Nice Jellyfish taken on a night dive in Truk. I like the way they light up when you shoot them with a strobe.
By Bill Strode
posted Saturday, May 13, 2006
11 votes

Ships telegraph in the wheel house.
By Bill Strode
posted Wednesday, May 10, 2006
8 votes

One of many jellyfish I came across on a night dive.
By Bill Strode
posted Tuesday, May 9, 2006
7 votes

I had to sneak up on this Puffer fish inside the wreck Fujikawa Maru.
By Bill Strode
posted Friday, May 12, 2006
3 votes

Not realy sure what it is but, I ran across this while on a night dive in Truk and I have no clue what it is. I think it was between 18 and 24 inches across. If anyone knows let me know Thanks
By Bill Strode
posted Sunday, May 14, 2006
2 votes

Sunrise over Truk photo taken with my little 3.2 digital camara.
By Bill Strode
posted Monday, May 15, 2006
2 votes

Sunrise at Truk Lagoon from the deck of the Odessy Late Dec 2004 taken with a 3.4 digital camara.
By Bill Strode
posted Tuesday, May 16, 2006
2 votes

Parrot fish manning the bridge
By Bill Strode
posted Thursday, May 11, 2006
1 votes

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9 Entries Found
Sunrise at Truk Lagoon from the deck of the Odessy Late Dec 2004 taken with a 3.4 digital camara.
Sunrise over Truk photo taken with my little 3.2 digital camara.
Not realy sure what it is but, I ran across this while on a night dive in Truk and I have no clue what it is. I think it was between 18 and 24 inches across. If anyone knows let me know Thanks
Nice Jellyfish taken on a night dive in Truk. I like the way they light up when you shoot them with a strobe.
I had to sneak up on this Puffer fish inside the wreck Fujikawa Maru.
Parrot fish manning the bridge
Ships telegraph in the wheel house.
One of many jellyfish I came across on a night dive.
Shark on a dive in Truk Micronesia

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
It's hard to get a single shark to sit comfortably in the frame - well done Bill
9 Entries Found