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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Simon Trickett

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Peoples' Vote

Commensural shrimp. Canon Eos 10D. Sea and Sea housing and strobe
By Simon Trickett
posted Sunday, February 26, 2006
5 votes

Blue Shark, taken off the cost of South Africa. Canon EOS 10D, natural light
By Simon Trickett
posted Monday, August 29, 2005
4 votes

Cuttlefish taken in Phillipines. Taken with Canon EOS 10D with 16-35mm lens. Sea& Sea housing with strobe.
By Simon Trickett
posted Thursday, February 23, 2006
4 votes

Close up of turtle. EOS 10D in Sea & Seas housing and strobes.
By Simon Trickett
posted Wednesday, March 1, 2006
3 votes

Nudibranch on sponge. EOS 10D with Sea & Sea housing and strobes.
By Simon Trickett
posted Thursday, March 2, 2006
3 votes

Porcelain crab on anemone. EOS 10D in SEA & SEA housing. 100mm macro.
By Simon Trickett
posted Sunday, March 5, 2006
3 votes

Clown fish, Phillipines 2004. Taken with Canon EOS 10D with 100mm Macro
By Simon Trickett
posted Friday, August 19, 2005
2 votes

Shot through the hand rail of the Salem Express, Egypt. Canon EOS 10D, natural light
By Simon Trickett
posted Wednesday, September 7, 2005
2 votes

Manadarin Fish. This was one of a pair that seemed to be getting very friendly with each other. Taken with Canon EOS 10D. 100mm Macro. Sea&Sea housing and strobe
By Simon Trickett
posted Wednesday, February 22, 2006
2 votes

Thresher Shark taken in natural light so as not to scare them off. EOS 10D in SEA & SEA housing and strobes using 16-35mm lens.
By Simon Trickett
posted Friday, March 3, 2006
2 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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18 Entries Found
Scorpion fish grazing. EOS10D 16-35mm lens. Sea&Sea Housing and strobes
Nudibranch. EOS 10D in SEA&SEA housing. 100mm lens
Porcelain crab on anemone. EOS 10D in SEA & SEA housing. 100mm macro.
Mantis Shrimp. Canon EOS10D in Sea&Sea Nousing with strobes. 100mm Macro lens.
Thresher Shark taken in natural light so as not to scare them off. EOS 10D in SEA & SEA housing and strobes using 16-35mm lens.
Nudibranch on sponge. EOS 10D with Sea & Sea housing and strobes.
Close up of turtle. EOS 10D in Sea & Seas housing and strobes.
Commensural shrimp. Canon Eos 10D. Sea and Sea housing and strobe
Cuttlefish taken in Phillipines. Taken with Canon EOS 10D with 16-35mm lens. Sea& Sea housing with strobe.
Manadarin Fish. This was one of a pair that seemed to be getting very friendly with each other. Taken with Canon EOS 10D. 100mm Macro. Sea&Sea housing and strobe
Picture of the unused lifeboats on the Salem Express, Red Sea. Canon EOS 10D, natural light
Shot through the hand rail of the Salem Express, Egypt. Canon EOS 10D, natural light
Blue Shark, taken off the cost of South Africa. Canon EOS 10D, natural light

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
nice diagonal and room to move into
Lionfish taken in Red Sea on night dive over the SS Thistlegorm.
Shot taken below dive buddy on THe Brothers, Red Sea, Egypt. Canon EOS 10D
Close up of Big Eye Jack in a shoal in mid water, Philipines 2005. Canon EOS 10D
Cristate neon nudibranch, Phillipines 2004. Canon EOS 10D, 100mm macro
Clown fish, Phillipines 2004. Taken with Canon EOS 10D with 100mm Macro
18 Entries Found