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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Corina Swan

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Peoples' Vote

Mandarin fish, a male waiting for his female
By Corina Swan
posted Sunday, June 25, 2006
19 votes

Mandarin fish laying eggs. Taken at sunset at Mabul island with a little luck!!
By Corina Swan
posted Wednesday, June 14, 2006
18 votes

Pygmy Seahorse, isn't she beautiful!!
By Corina Swan
posted Monday, June 19, 2006
17 votes

Dolphinfish, all alone in the middle of the ocean.
By Corina Swan
posted Sunday, June 18, 2006
16 votes

Maldivian Anomonefish taken with a lot of patience.
By Corina Swan
posted Saturday, June 17, 2006
13 votes

Hypselodoris bullocki Nudibranche, taken in Mabul
By Corina Swan
posted Friday, June 23, 2006
13 votes

Hinge beak shrimp, take at a cleaning station
By Corina Swan
posted Monday, June 26, 2006
9 votes

Freedom this is what came into my mind when I saw these turtles underwater. Taken with D70 at Sipadan, Malaysia.
By Corina Swan
posted Friday, June 16, 2006
8 votes

Dolphines, for a long time this 2 dolphines were swimming infront of our diving boat
By Corina Swan
posted Wednesday, June 21, 2006
7 votes

three big fogfish (anglerfish)I was on macro, but when i saw the three sitting so nicely together, i just had to try to get a good shot...
By Corina Swan
posted Wednesday, July 5, 2006
5 votes
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11 Entries Found
three big fogfish (anglerfish)I was on macro, but when i saw the three sitting so nicely together, i just had to try to get a good shot...
crazy mantamany feeding in the open sea
Hinge beak shrimp, take at a cleaning station
Mandarin fish, a male waiting for his female
Hypselodoris bullocki Nudibranche, taken in Mabul
Dolphines, for a long time this 2 dolphines were swimming infront of our diving boat
Pygmy Seahorse, isn't she beautiful!!
Dolphinfish, all alone in the middle of the ocean.
Maldivian Anomonefish taken with a lot of patience.
Freedom this is what came into my mind when I saw these turtles underwater. Taken with D70 at Sipadan, Malaysia.
Mandarin fish laying eggs. Taken at sunset at Mabul island with a little luck!!
11 Entries Found