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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Frank Jong

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Peoples' Vote

Scorpion fish
Netherlands Antilles
Frank Jong
By Frank Jong
posted Wednesday, April 27, 2005
58 votes

By Frank Jong
posted Monday, May 9, 2005
55 votes

Directors Bay, Curacao, Netherlands Antilles.
Canon Powershot S50, i came across a school of Horse Eyed Jacks.
By Frank Jong
posted Friday, July 29, 2005
31 votes

Dive site: Porto Marie Curacao, 
Dutch Antilles and taken with a Canon powershot 5.0.
Seahorses are pretty small!!!..difficult to find.
This one was at 20 meters.
One advantage..they keep still.
By Frank Jong
posted Monday, August 22, 2005
23 votes

Directors Bay, Curacao, Dutch Antilles.
Canon Powershot S50.
This turtle lives for almost a month on this dive site.
I only hope the fisherman dont catch him/her.
By Frank Jong
posted Friday, September 9, 2005
23 votes

By Frank Jong
posted Tuesday, May 17, 2005
21 votes

Curacao, Netherlands Antilles.
Cannon Powershot S50 picture taken without flashlight only with torch light.
Nightdive at Jan Thiel beach.
The octopus was really scared of us....poor thing
By Frank Jong
posted Wednesday, October 26, 2005
18 votes

Canon Powershot S50 Curacao Netherlands Antilles.Directors Bay
Trying to outswim a turtle...
By Frank Jong
posted Tuesday, January 3, 2006
4 votes

About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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8 Entries Found
Canon Powershot S50 Curacao Netherlands Antilles.Directors Bay
Trying to outswim a turtle...
Curacao, Netherlands Antilles.
Cannon Powershot S50 picture taken without flashlight only with torch light.
Nightdive at Jan Thiel beach.
The octopus was really scared of us....poor thing
Directors Bay, Curacao, Dutch Antilles.
Canon Powershot S50.
This turtle lives for almost a month on this dive site.
I only hope the fisherman dont catch him/her.
Dive site: Porto Marie Curacao,
Dutch Antilles and taken with a Canon powershot 5.0.
Seahorses are pretty small!!!..difficult to find.
This one was at 20 meters.
One advantage..they keep still.
Directors Bay, Curacao, Netherlands Antilles.
Canon Powershot S50, i came across a school of Horse Eyed Jacks.
"Blue Bay Reef" Curacao Netherlands Antilles.
Canon powershot S50.
"Directors Bay" Curacao Netherlands Antilles.
Canon Powershot S50.
I had to get a picture of this turtle....
It was deep and there was a very strong current.
This picture took most of my air and almost my camera..
Scorpion fish
Netherlands Antilles
Frank Jong
8 Entries Found