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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Lee Marple

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Peoples' Vote

Yellowline Arrow Crab, Bonaire.
By Lee Marple
posted Wednesday, October 25, 2006
9 votes

Seahorse was shot on night dive off Buddy Dive Resort with a Canon 20D using an Ikelite Housing
By Lee Marple
posted Sunday, October 15, 2006
7 votes

Anemone Shrimp hanging out in Bonaire.
By Lee Marple
posted Sunday, October 29, 2006
6 votes

Fairy Basslet taken in Bonaire with Canon 20D. He just would not hold still.
By Lee Marple
posted Monday, October 16, 2006
5 votes

Frogfish with his Lure out and looking for food. Bonaire, Canon 20D, Ikelite Housing.
By Lee Marple
posted Tuesday, October 17, 2006
5 votes

This Banded Coral Shrimp found a color coordinated home in the Azure Sponge. Bonaire, Canon 20D.
By Lee Marple
posted Sunday, October 22, 2006
4 votes

My what big Lips you have.Canon 20D
By Lee Marple
posted Tuesday, November 7, 2006
4 votes

Russian Destroyer on Cayman Brac, Canon 20D, Ikelite Housing.
By Lee Marple
posted Friday, October 20, 2006
3 votes

Tube Worm Bouquet in Cayman Brac.Canon 20D 18mm
By Lee Marple
posted Thursday, November 2, 2006
3 votes

Bearded Fireworm,Bonaire, Canon 20D
By Lee Marple
posted Thursday, November 9, 2006
3 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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18 Entries Found
Banded Coral Shrimp in Bonaire, Canon 20D.
Bearded Fireworm,Bonaire, Canon 20D
My what big Lips you have.Canon 20D
This little Blenny was hiding in the coral off Bonaire. Cannon 20D, 100mm Ikelite Housing.
Tube Worm Bouquet in Cayman Brac.Canon 20D 18mm
I really enjoy all the soft coral and abundance of fish in the Caymans.Canon 20D 18mm, Ikelite Housing, single strobe.
Anemone Shrimp hanging out in Bonaire.
Yellowline Arrow Crab, Bonaire.
Cayman Brac, Russian Destroyer.
Flemingo Toungue & Friends. Cayman Brac.
This Banded Coral Shrimp found a color coordinated home in the Azure Sponge. Bonaire, Canon 20D.
It looked like these two were sharing the same hole. Bonaire, Canon 20D
Russian Destroyer on Cayman Brac, Canon 20D, Ikelite Housing.
Coral feeding at night, Bonaire. Canon 20D, Ikelite Housing, 100mm lens.
Taken in Cayman Brac at the Russian Destroyer. No Flash.
Frogfish with his Lure out and looking for food. Bonaire, Canon 20D, Ikelite Housing.
Fairy Basslet taken in Bonaire with Canon 20D. He just would not hold still.
Seahorse was shot on night dive off Buddy Dive Resort with a Canon 20D using an Ikelite Housing
18 Entries Found