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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Allen Ayling

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Peoples' Vote

this mantis shhrimp was very proud to show me its eggs. sulawesi indonesia
By Allen Ayling
posted Wednesday, December 1, 2004
5 votes

Sea gypsy woman resting out of the midday heat,burma.
By Allen Ayling
posted Wednesday, December 8, 2004
5 votes

Leafy sea dragon ,kangaroo island austraila,like all seahorses they just dont want to look at you it took A long time to get this closeup.
By Allen Ayling
posted Tuesday, December 21, 2004
5 votes

I like the way this guy fits in the frame.
By Allen Ayling
posted Saturday, December 11, 2004
3 votes

Between dives,burma, sea gypsies kids on school steps.
By Allen Ayling
posted Monday, December 13, 2004
2 votes

By Allen Ayling
posted Tuesday, November 30, 2004
1 votes

It took A long time for this fish to let me get A good view of its hitchhiker.
By Allen Ayling
posted Sunday, December 5, 2004
1 votes

This trumpet fish was using the smaller fish to hide in.
By Allen Ayling
posted Monday, December 6, 2004
1 votes

This spotted eel seemed to like the glass port.
By Allen Ayling
posted Thursday, December 9, 2004
1 votes

What A nice set of teeth you have, eel, dominica.
By Allen Ayling
posted Sunday, December 12, 2004
1 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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22 Entries Found
Nudibranch on tunicates, sulawesi indonesia.
Leaf fish on A pedestal,sulawesi indonesia.
Leafy sea dragon ,kangaroo island austraila,like all seahorses they just dont want to look at you it took A long time to get this closeup.
Puffer eye, dominica, permanent makeup.
Yellow eyed penquin, molting, newzealand.
Squat lobster,bali
Scorpion fish and anemone with A halo, burma.
Squat lobster , sulawesi indonesia.
Shrimps on anemone,sulawesi indonesia,.
Between dives,burma, sea gypsies kids on school steps.
What A nice set of teeth you have, eel, dominica.
I like the way this guy fits in the frame.
All roads lead to home.
This spotted eel seemed to like the glass port.
Sea gypsy woman resting out of the midday heat,burma.
Burmese sea gypsies children.
This trumpet fish was using the smaller fish to hide in.
It took A long time for this fish to let me get A good view of its hitchhiker.
Stargazer at night in sulawesi indonesia.
night shot in dominica
this mantis shhrimp was very proud to show me its eggs. sulawesi indonesia
22 Entries Found