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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Anna Kinnersly

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Peoples' Vote

Lizardfish BVI, I've swam passed these so many times witout realsing if you got close to them they can look so vicious.
By Anna Kinnersly
posted Saturday, January 14, 2006
11 votes

Nothing quite like a great white coming straight towards you and then he moves at the last minute. The look in his eye.

Isla Guadaloupe September 2005
By Anna Kinnersly
posted Tuesday, October 18, 2005
10 votes

Jost van Dyke in the BVI taken just before sunset
By Anna Kinnersly
posted Wednesday, January 19, 2005
8 votes

Silversides in front of a moonjelly at the Indians BVI
By Anna Kinnersly
posted Tuesday, January 18, 2005
5 votes

Great White Shark, Isle Guadalupe. Not the moment to realise you have wrapped your arm around the outside of the cage to help prevent camera wobble!
By Anna Kinnersly
posted Thursday, January 12, 2006
5 votes

Boris, Great White Shark, Isla de Guadaloupe. Looking for his next snack.
By Anna Kinnersly
posted Thursday, October 20, 2005
4 votes

Yellow line arrow crab taken at Cisternpoint in the BVI
By Anna Kinnersly
posted Thursday, December 2, 2004
3 votes

Great White Shark taken at Isle de Guadaloupe September 2005. On his next sweep round his tail entered the other cage!
By Anna Kinnersly
posted Tuesday, October 4, 2005
3 votes

Slender File fish hiding in the soft corals. Olympus C7070
By Anna Kinnersly
posted Monday, January 23, 2006
3 votes

Juv. Ballonfish, I love his almost crown of spines and the colour of his eyes. They always look like they belong in Japanese cartoons.
By Anna Kinnersly
posted Wednesday, September 20, 2006
2 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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16 Entries Found
My favourite days on Anegada, I turned my back for two minutes and that was it three little girls stole my boyfriend. Apparently they wanted him to see the shark!!
Evening, heading home on the ferry after a long day.
I guess not the best joining of a panaramic photo but a start.
Hobbies chilling on the beach in Antigua
Juv. Ballonfish, I love his almost crown of spines and the colour of his eyes. They always look like they belong in Japanese cartoons.
Sand tile fish, although for some reason I have always been told they are called slippery dicks!!! I love the colour of the scales over their gills
sneaked up on a nice little snake eel and then played hide and seek
Slender File fish hiding in the soft corals. Olympus C7070
Lizardfish BVI, I've swam passed these so many times witout realsing if you got close to them they can look so vicious.
Great White Shark, Isle Guadalupe. Not the moment to realise you have wrapped your arm around the outside of the cage to help prevent camera wobble!
Boris, Great White Shark, Isla de Guadaloupe. Looking for his next snack.
Nothing quite like a great white coming straight towards you and then he moves at the last minute. The look in his eye.
Isla Guadaloupe September 2005
Bronze Medal Bronze Medal 2005

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
a tasty bite! a good clean shot
Great White Shark taken at Isle de Guadaloupe September 2005. On his next sweep round his tail entered the other cage!
Jost van Dyke in the BVI taken just before sunset
Silversides in front of a moonjelly at the Indians BVI
The Beata in the British Virgin Isands. Crystal clear waters!!!
Yellow line arrow crab taken at Cisternpoint in the BVI
16 Entries Found