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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Shane Clancy

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Peoples' Vote

BP and the lionfish.using his new digital camera. It's a Sony.
Nikonos V 15mmlens,SB 105'sFuji velvia 50
By Shane Clancy
posted Thursday, December 9, 2004
7 votes

Coral Trout & the Lionfish- wideangle, Nik V 15mm lns Fuji Velvia 50 on a coastal trader wreck
By Shane Clancy
posted Tuesday, February 14, 2006
3 votes

Wall diving the Solomon Isls.beautiful clownfish & anemone's Tulagi Island
close focus W/angle
NikonosV SB105's 15mm lns Fugi Vevlvia 50
By Shane Clancy
posted Wednesday, December 8, 2004
2 votes

Grazing in Julien' rocks, Byron Bay
macro ext. tube 1:3 NikonosV SB10535mmlns
Kodachrome 64
By Shane Clancy
posted Friday, December 10, 2004
2 votes

Nudi Magnifiosa. Julien' Rocks Byron Bay
1:3 ext. tube Nikonos V 35mm lns. SB105
Kodachrome 64 very rare nudi this one-wished I'd had a 1:1 framer
By Shane Clancy
posted Sunday, December 12, 2004
2 votes

Scuttled yacht - Swains Reef, GBR Australia
sunk by Federal police -used for the importation of drugs
By Shane Clancy
posted Wednesday, May 18, 2005
2 votes

Bruce in the wheelhouse of a shipwreck in Pavuvu Chnl. Solomon Isls. My cousin,Bruce,and I have been diving for over 20 yrs now and hope to be diving together for another 20+ yrs
Nikonos V 15mm w/angle Twin SB105's Fuji Velvia 50
By Shane Clancy
posted Monday, December 6, 2004
1 votes

Night Dive - Truk Lagoon (Chuuk) Heian Maru. Sponges & Zoanathids look spectacular at night
Nikonos V 15mm lns. SB 105's Kodak Ektachrome 64
By Shane Clancy
posted Tuesday, December 7, 2004
1 votes

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8 Entries Found
Coral Trout & the Lionfish- wideangle, Nik V 15mm lns Fuji Velvia 50 on a coastal trader wreck
Scuttled yacht - Swains Reef, GBR Australia
sunk by Federal police -used for the importation of drugs
Nudi Magnifiosa. Julien' Rocks Byron Bay
1:3 ext. tube Nikonos V 35mm lns. SB105
Kodachrome 64 very rare nudi this one-wished I'd had a 1:1 framer
Grazing in Julien' rocks, Byron Bay
macro ext. tube 1:3 NikonosV SB10535mmlns
Kodachrome 64
BP and the lionfish.using his new digital camera. It's a Sony.
Nikonos V 15mmlens,SB 105'sFuji velvia 50
Wall diving the Solomon Isls.beautiful clownfish & anemone's Tulagi Island
close focus W/angle
NikonosV SB105's 15mm lns Fugi Vevlvia 50
Night Dive - Truk Lagoon (Chuuk) Heian Maru. Sponges & Zoanathids look spectacular at night
Nikonos V 15mm lns. SB 105's Kodak Ektachrome 64
Bruce in the wheelhouse of a shipwreck in Pavuvu Chnl. Solomon Isls. My cousin,Bruce,and I have been diving for over 20 yrs now and hope to be diving together for another 20+ yrs
Nikonos V 15mm w/angle Twin SB105's Fuji Velvia 50
8 Entries Found