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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By John Jeppson

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Peoples' Vote

Tarpon In Cave, Resting Before The Hunt, Cozumel, Reefmaster RC, Built In Orange Flash
By John C Jeppson
posted Saturday, December 21, 2002
85 votes

Freindly Turtle, Cozumel, Reefmaster RC, Built In Orange Flash
By John C Jeppson
posted Saturday, December 21, 2002
85 votes

There Really Are Monsters, Reefmaster RC, Onboard Flash,Cozumel
By John C Jeppson
posted Thursday, January 2, 2003
72 votes

Pair of Queen Angels, Cozumel, Reefmaster RC, onboard flash, 3X close-up lens
By John C Jeppson
posted Tuesday, December 9, 2003
22 votes

Green Moray and Cleaner Goby, San Pedro, Belize-. Reefmaster RC, Onboard flash, 3X close-up lens
By John C Jeppson
posted Tuesday, May 6, 2003
11 votes

Cozumel, Columbia deep. This tutrtle swam right up to me turned sideways and let me stroke its shell. Reefmaster RC, 3X lens,strobe
By John C Jeppson
posted Thursday, November 6, 2003
4 votes

Orange Ball Corallimorph. Bonaire night dive, Reefmaster DC300 digital with strobe and 18X macro
By John C Jeppson
posted Thursday, March 25, 2004
4 votes

Caught him Yawning, Roatan, Reefmaster 300 Digital
By John Jeppson
posted Wednesday, December 15, 2004
3 votes

This turtle acted like it was somebodys pet. Cozumel, Reefmaster RC, 3X, Strobe
By John C Jeppson
posted Friday, November 7, 2003
2 votes

Taking a nap, Reefmaster digital, strobe, 18X. Shot at  Bonaire
By John C Jeppson
posted Thursday, May 13, 2004
2 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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13 Entries Found
Caught him Yawning, Roatan, Reefmaster 300 Digital
Xmas Tree Worm - Shot at Roatan with a Reefmaster 300 Digital, 18X macro lens and stobe with diffuser
Taking a nap, Reefmaster digital, strobe, 18X. Shot at Bonaire
Orange Ball Corallimorph. Bonaire night dive, Reefmaster DC300 digital with strobe and 18X macro
Pair of Queen Angels, Cozumel, Reefmaster RC, onboard flash, 3X close-up lens
Jackknife Fish, Cozumel @ night off Viablanca pier, Reefmaster RC, 8X macro
This turtle acted like it was somebodys pet. Cozumel, Reefmaster RC, 3X, Strobe
Cozumel, Columbia deep. This tutrtle swam right up to me turned sideways and let me stroke its shell. Reefmaster RC, 3X lens,strobe
Relaxing Safety Stop, Belize, Reefmaster RC, Onboard Flash
Green Moray and Cleaner Goby, San Pedro, Belize-. Reefmaster RC, Onboard flash, 3X close-up lens
There Really Are Monsters, Reefmaster RC, Onboard Flash,Cozumel
Freindly Turtle, Cozumel, Reefmaster RC, Built In Orange Flash
Tarpon In Cave, Resting Before The Hunt, Cozumel, Reefmaster RC, Built In Orange Flash
13 Entries Found