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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Nonoy Tan

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Peoples' Vote

These wrasses were oblivious to my presence while fighting over territory.
By Nonoy Tan
posted Thursday, July 10, 2003
59 votes

Tristar / Bohol Island, Philippines.  Nikon F100 and 16mm fish-eye
By Nonoy Tan
posted Friday, December 3, 2004
7 votes

Getting close to this dragonet was a challenge because it would turn its back on me.  I had to wait for at least an hour until it became comfortable with my presence.
By Nonoy Tan
posted Tuesday, July 8, 2003
2 votes

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3 Entries Found
Tristar / Bohol Island, Philippines. Nikon F100 and 16mm fish-eye
These wrasses were oblivious to my presence while fighting over territory.
Gold Medal Gold Medal 2003
Winner Monthly HotShots

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
A keenly observed behavior shot
Getting close to this dragonet was a challenge because it would turn its back on me. I had to wait for at least an hour until it became comfortable with my presence.
3 Entries Found