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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Beate Seiler (28)

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Peoples' Vote

Longnose Hawkfish  taken with Canon S70 and Makro Lens on a Early Morning Dive at the Bituon Housereef Edens Garden
By Beate Krebs
posted Thursday, April 17, 2008
71 votes

Two guys at work
By Beate Seiler
posted Tuesday, April 9, 2013
53 votes

Imperator shrimp on a chromodoris doing his job !
By Beate Seiler
posted Thursday, February 2, 2012
50 votes

Xenon crab
By Beate Seiler
posted Friday, February 3, 2012
50 votes

Northern pike
By Beate Seiler
posted Wednesday, February 27, 2013
49 votes

Batfish Parade at Pintuyan housereef
By Beate Seiler
posted Monday, January 15, 2018
49 votes

Gobi on a seafather
By Beate Seiler
posted Wednesday, September 27, 2017
45 votes

Gobi on a seapen
By Beate Seiler
posted Monday, January 26, 2015
44 votes

Jorunna funebri, taken with Canon G10 and UCL165
By Beate Seiler
posted Wednesday, February 9, 2011
42 votes

small goby on a seapen
By Beate Seiler
posted Monday, June 17, 2013
42 votes
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1089 Entries Found: Page 28  of  41
Pufferfish resting
Glossodoris atromarginata, taken with Canon G10 and UCL165
The end of the dive at U.S. Liberty / Tulamben / Bali
Hermit crab ,taken with Canon G10 and UCL165
Inside the cave
Spiral Tube Worm , taken with Canon G10 and UCL165
Cuttle fish, taken with Canon G10
My Buddy inside the cave
Turtle closeup, taken with Canon G10 and UCL165
Bigmouth mackerel
Lionfish at El Quadim , taken with Canon G10
The gobi and the Blind shrimp , taken with Canon G10 and UCL165
Shrimp in front of a Juvenile Emperor Angelfish
Puffer fish in a cave
Giant clam, taken at El Quadim
Octopus eye , taken with Canon G100 and UCL165
Lionfish on a late afternoon dive
Butterfly at El Quadim
Blacktip grouper
Lionfish taken with Canon G10 and UCL165
Turtle in B & W
Mantis shrimp
Coleman shrimp , taken with Canon G10 and UCL165
Cuttlefish , taken with Caonon G10 and UCL165
Glossodoris atromarginata, taken with Canon G10 and UCL165
1089 Entries Found: Page 28  of  41