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Purple Sea Urchin   Paracentrotus lividus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (6 days ago)
Hypselodoris infucata nudibranch _March 2025
 CanonRF100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (last week)
Sunset in the Sea of Cortez. Fish minnow hatch was captured with GoPro 12.
By Lara Forchuk
posted (last week)
Mediterranean Slipper Lobster   Scyllarides latus
By Stefanos Michael
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Lemon Goby s in a bottle taken at Anilao  Batangas  Philippinges
By Roy Spraakman
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Taken Sombrero site off Anilao  Batangas  Philippines
By Roy Spraakman
posted (last week)

Underwater Photo Location: El Quadim

Underwater Photo Location: El Quadim

How Hot is this Dive Site? click a star to rate it
Best Housereef
Facts about El Quadim
  • It is in Egypt
  • El Quadim is in the Red Sea.
  • The typical depth is 0-30 Metres 0-100 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

Diving facilities

Photo facilities

by Beate Krebs
Close Look, ElQuseir Housereef / Egypt , Canon S70 , Macro Lens,

by Beate Krebs
During an Early Morning Dive from shore , Canon S70

by Beate Krebs
Pufferfish , El Quadim , Red Sea , Egypt, Canon S70 with Macro Lens

by Beate Krebs
Lionfish, El Quseir , Canon S70

by Beate Krebs
Lionfish yawns during my early morning dive, canon S70 with Inon Z240

by Beate Krebs
Blacktip grouper , Canon S70 with Macro Lens

by Beate Krebs
Nemo, that little guy was making clicking sounds while I was taken this picture, Canon S70 with macro lens

by Beate Krebs
Ray in action , Canon S70

by Beate Krebs
Stonefish "Don Petro" Housereef at ElQuseir , Canon S70

by Beate Krebs
Blue spotted Ray at the housereef El Quadim, Canon S70

by Beate Krebs
Whale shark at El Quseir housereef, Canon S70

by Beate Krebs
Soldierfish of the Red Sea , Canon S70 and INON Z240

by Beate Krebs
Eagle Ray at the Hausreef "El Quadim" in El Quseir, taken late in the afternoon with Canon S70

by Beate Krebs
Lionfish in the Res Sea , taken with Canon S70 and INON Strobe Z240

by Beate Krebs
Red Sea Walkmann taken with Canon S70 and CloseUp Lens

by Beate Krebs

by Beate Krebs
Pipefish taken with my Canon S70 with CloseUp Lens

by Beate Krebs
Chromodoris kuniei taken with my Canon S70 and CloseUp Lens

by Beate Krebs
Christmas Tree Worm in black and white taken with my Canon S70 and CloseUp Lens

by Beate Krebs
Nembrotha at 100 feet on the sandbottom , taken with my Canon S70 and CloseUp Lens

by Beate Krebs
Eagle Ray passing by , Canon S70

by Beate Krebs
Please smile ! Grouper of the Red Sea taken with my Canon S70

by Beate Krebs
Blue-Spotted Ribbontail Ray taken at the Houesereef with my Canon S70 and INON Strobe Z240

by Beate Krebs
Another grouper of the RedSea , taken with my Conon S70 , CloseUp lens and Inon strobe Z240

by Beate Krebs
Eagle Ray with diver taken with my conon S70 in 9 feet of water.

by Beate Krebs
Nembrotha at 100 feet on the sandbottom , taken with my Canon S70 and CloseUp Lens

by Beate Krebs
worm , taken with my Canon S70 and CloseUp Lens , Inon Strobe Z240

by Beate Krebs
Scorpionfish taken with my Canon S7 and CloseUp Lens and INON strobe Z240

by Beate Krebs
Friendly Clownfish, taken with my Conon S70 and CloseUp Lens and INON strobe Z240

by Beate Krebs
Emperor Angelfish

by Beate Krebs

by Beate Krebs
Puffer with Divers , Canon S70 with INON strobe Z240

by Beate Krebs
Tridagna gigas in a lovely canyon of the red sea , taken with Canon S70 and INON strobe Z240

by Beate Krebs
Phyllidia taken with Canon S70 and CloseUp lens

by Beate Krebs
Sorry , I just realized I already put this picture in the contest before.

by Beate Krebs
Big Triggerfish , I have respect for him ! Taken with my Canon S7 and INON strobe Z240

by Beate Krebs
Eagle Ray at the end of our dive at the Housereef of ElQuseir, taken with Canon S70

by Beate Krebs
Bigmouth mackerel, taken at the house reef with Canon S70

by Beate Krebs
Octopus with Spanish Dancer eggs, taken with Canon S70

by Beate Krebs
Scorpion fish, taken with Canon S70 and CloseUp Lens

by Daniel Strub
El Quseir, coral life. Magnificent,huge and well inhabitated lettuce coral (Leptoseris cucullata). Great fun :-)

by Daniel Strub
UFO? - Flying flatworm

by Daniel Strub
Pterois volitans - flying over the reef :-))

by Daniel Strub
Curious lemon butterflyfish (chaetodon semilarvatus) :-)

by Daniel Strub
Nudibranch eggs ...

by Daniel Strub
a couple of fairy basslets :-)

by Daniel Strub
curious damsel :-))

by Daniel Strub
Lettuce croal - the bautifull green colored coral was just amazing and so full of life :-))

by Daniel Strub
Small gobie on a coral :-)

by Daniel Strub
UFO - part II; a flying flatworm (pseudobiceros sp.)

by Daniel Strub
A Scalefin Anthias, face to face with the camera :-))

by Daniel Strub
A couple of lemon butterflyfish :-))

by Beate Seiler
Bubble coral shrimp , taken with Canon S70 and 2x UCL 165

by Daniel Strub
face of butterfly fish :-D

by Beate Seiler
Two Batfish at the end of our dive, right under the Jetty, taken with Canon S70

by Daniel Strub
Anthias :-D

by Beate Seiler
Pipe fish, taken with Canon S70 and Ucl165

by Beate Seiler
Another Pipe fish, taken with Canon S70 and UCL 165

by Beate Seiler
Blacktip grouper, taken with Canon S70

by Henry Jager
"School of Yellowfin Goatfish" After a too long break from diving for about one year, I'm happy being back again! I enjoyed a nice trip to the Red Sea from where I brought new pictures. Especially from El Quadim Bay at El Quseir. Regards ...

by Henry Jager
"Marbled Shrimp" From El Quadim Bay, El Quseir (Olympus E3, 50mm macro lens with 1,4x TC)

by Henry Jager
"Sunrise at El Quadim Bay" El, Quseir, Egypt. A beautiful time of day in the housreef. Enjoy as I did!

by Henry Jager
"Bighorn Nembrotha" This Nembrotha is endemic in the Red Sea. Enjoy!

by Henry Jager
"School of Yellowfin goatfishes with Diver" Shot from El Quadim Bay, El Quseir, Egypt.

by Henry Jager
"Red Sea Walkman" Taken at El Quadim Bay, El Quseir.

by Henry Jager
"El Quadim Reef" In El Quseir, Egypt.

by Henry Jager
"Walking Red Sea Walkman" The Red Sea Walkman, a type of scorpionfish, uses his claw alike frontfins to walk.

by Henry Jager
"Eating Nembrotha" from the El Quadim Bay, El Quseir. (50mm macro, 1,4x TC)

by Beate Seiler
Two friendly batfish at El Quseir , taken with Canon G10

by Henry Jager
"Portrait Of A Marbled Shrimp"

by Beate Seiler
Lizardfish , taken at the housereef of ElQuseir , with Canon G10 and UCL 165

by Henry Jager
"Lionfish" from El Quadim Bay, El Quseir.

by Beate Seiler
Redlip Blenny , taken with Conon G10 and UCL165

by Beate Seiler
Grouper taken with Canon G10

by Henry Jager
"Citron Gobi"

by Henry Jager
"Durban hinge-beak prawn" Found in the El quadim Bay, El Quseir.

by Beate Seiler
Lionfish at El Quadim , taken with Canon G10

by Beate Seiler
Scorpionfish , taken with Canon G10 at El Quadim

by Beate Seiler
Eagle Ray at El Quadim , taken with Canon G10

by Beate Seiler
Sailfin Tang , taken with Canon G10

by Beate Seiler
"Just looking" , Lionfish taken with my Canon G10 at El Quadim

by Beate Seiler
Yellowbar Angelfish, taken at El Quadim with Canon G10

by Henry Jager

by Beate Seiler
Blacktip Grouper, taken at El Quadim with Canon G10 and UCL165

by Beate Seiler
Shrimp on a bubblecoral , taken with Canong100 and 2 X UCL165

by Beate Seiler
Bannerfish , taken with Canon G10 at El Quadim

by Beate Seiler
Nembrotha megalocera, taken with Canon G10 and UCL165

by Beate Seiler
Blacktip Grouper, taken at El Quadim with Canon G10 and UCL165

by Beate Seiler
Flying object, Shrimp taken with Canon G10 and UCL165

by Beate Seiler
Spotted Eagle Ray in Black and White, taken with Canon G10

by Beate Seiler
Octopus eye , taken with Canon G10 and UCL165

by Beate Seiler
White Moray (siderea grisea) , taken with Canon G10

by Beate Seiler
Curious Barracuda "Hansi" , taken with Canon G10

by Beate Seiler
Reef Scene at El Quadim

by Beate Seiler
Please don't shoot me, taken at El Quadim with Canon G10

by Beate Seiler
Lionfish with diver , taken with Canon G10 at El Quadim

by Beate Seiler
Cave entrance, at El Quadim taken with Canon G10

by Beate Seiler
Eagle Ray at ElQuadim , taken with Canon G10

by Beate Seiler
Trumpet Fish, Taken with Canon G10 and UCL165

by Beate Seiler
Batfish, taken at El Quadim with Canon G10

by Beate Seiler
EYE of crocodilefish, taken with Canon G10 and UCL165 at El Quadim

by Beate Seiler
Nemos nest, taken at El Quadim with Canon G10 and UCL165

by Beate Seiler
Scorpionfish found at El Quadim , taken with Canon G10

by Beate Seiler
Eye of a Scorpionfish , taken with Canon G10 an UCL165

by Beate Seiler
Coral Grouper, taken with Canon G10 and UCL165

by Beate Seiler
Sweetlip , taken at El Quadim with Canon G10

by Beate Seiler
Lionfish , taken at El Quadim with Canon G10

by Beate Seiler
Striped Makerel feeding on plankton , taken at El Quadim with Canon G10

by Beate Seiler
Grouper, taken at El Quadim with Canon G10

by Beate Seiler
Bluespotted Ray ,digging for food .. , taken at El Quadim with Canon G10

by Beate Seiler
Hermit Crab , taken with Canon G10 and UCL165

by Beate Seiler
Near by exit point of ELQuadim , taken with Canon G10

by Beate Seiler
Octopus , taken at El Quadim with Canon G10

by Beate Seiler
Three Porkfish at the housereef El Quadim, taken with Canon G10

by Beate Seiler
My home is my castle , taken at El Quadim with Canon G10 an 2 X UCL165

by Beate Seiler
Scorpionfish , taken at El Quadim with Canon G10

by Beate Seiler
Yellowfin Goatfish at El Quadim, taken with Canon G10

by Beate Seiler
Durban Hinge-Beak Shrimp at El Quadim, taken with Canon G10 and UCL165

by Beate Seiler
Peacock flounder , taken at El Qudim with Canon G10

by Beate Seiler
Spotted Eagleray, taken at ElQuadim Housereef with Canon G10

by Beate Seiler
Lionfish and Buddy taken at El Quadim , with Canon G10

by Beate Seiler
Shrimp , found in an overhang on 100 feet , taken with Canon G10 and macrolens UCL165

by Olivier Notz
Cheeklined splendor wrasse. This fish was always at the same place and observed us carefully until we left his area

by Beate Seiler
Curious little guy, taken at El Quadim with Canon G10

by Beate Seiler
Bannerfish taken at El Quadim with Canon G10

by Olivier Notz
A wonderful encounter I'll never forget...

by Olivier Notz
an eagle ray eating on the ground

by Olivier Notz
Blacktip grouper; when you approach them slowly, they are not very shy, thou they change their colour quickly from whitish to purple red. Then you know you are a bit too near.

by Olivier Notz
picture taken in the afternoon against the water surface

by Beate Seiler
Lionfish at El Quadim , taken with Canon G10

by Beate Seiler
Oriental sweetlip at ElQuadim , taken with Canon G10

by Olivier Notz
young lion fisch hovering over the ground

by Olivier Notz
a very shy fish on cleaning station

by Olivier Notz
simply unforgatable to meet these wonderful creatures...

by Olivier Notz
Rüppel's wart slug; picture taken during early morning dive that lasted 1h 51min. Our lady guide was completely frozen :-). Thank you Katarina for that wounderful dive...

by Olivier Notz
I like anemonefishes...

by Olivier Notz
an encounter I'll never forget...

by Olivier Notz
allways funny to watch them swimming with their wide open mouths

by Olivier Notz
portrait of a lion fish

by Olivier Notz
very nervous small shrimp

by Olivier Notz
This barracuda is called Hans by the divers. I saw him the first time in 1999. He is roaming around the bay, hunting... He is still well, I saw him last October :-)

by Olivier Notz
always amazing to observe these fishes when they wide open their mouths

by Olivier Notz
I tooked around 20 pictures of these shrimps within 10 minutes...

by Olivier Notz
Big Eye at cleaning station

by Olivier Notz
Red Sea clownfish. He was a bit upset I think :-)

by Beate Seiler
Blacktip grouper

by Beate Seiler
Butterfly at El Quadim

by Beate Seiler
Lionfish on a late afternoon dive

by Beate Seiler
Octopus eye , taken with Canon G100 and UCL165

by Beate Seiler
Giant clam, taken at El Quadim

by Beate Seiler
Puffer fish in a cave

by Beate Seiler
Lionfish at El Quadim , taken with Canon G10

by Beate Seiler
Bigmouth mackerel

by Beate Seiler
Turtle closeup, taken with Canon G10 and UCL165

by Beate Seiler
My Buddy inside the cave

by Olivier Notz
Dolphins swimming around us. They seamed to be very curious.

by Olivier Notz
Bigeye Emperor He looks as if he is not enjoying being photographed :-)

by Beate Seiler
Inside the cave

by Beate Seiler
Hermit crab ,taken with Canon G10 and UCL165

by Beate Seiler

by Beate Seiler
Pufferfish resting

by Beate Seiler
coral macro , taken with canon G10 and UCL 165

by Beate Seiler
Pipefish , taken with Canon G10 and UCL165

by Beate Seiler
X-mas tree worm

by Beate Seiler
Portait of an Angel fish

by Beate Seiler
Lizardfish , taken with Canon G10 and UCL165

by Olivier Notz
Red Sea Bannerfish

by Beate Seiler
Butterfly fish, taken with Canon G10

by Beate Seiler
Trigger fish , no cropping !

by Beate Seiler
Clownfish , taken with Canon G10 and UCL165

by Beate Seiler
Turtle B/W

by Olivier Notz
When I see that coral, I always must think at the Ferrari horse...

by Olivier Notz
Arabian Angelfish, a shy and very beautiful fish

by Olivier Notz
Anemone city outside El Quseir

by Olivier Notz
Fortunately, the visibility was geat that day...

by Olivier Notz
small Chromodoris quadricolor, around 2 - 3 cm on a red sponge

by Olivier Notz
Didn't seam to be disturbed by me and kept being cleaning by the fish and a shrimp at the right side.

by Olivier Notz
a group of bigeyes in front of a fire coral

by Olivier Notz
Portrait of a Red Sea Anemonefish

by Olivier Notz
Black tip grouper

by Olivier Notz
Glas fishes with soft coral

by Olivier Notz
During a night dive, we had the chance to find 5 spanish dancers

by Olivier Notz
Spotted eagle rays are frequently to be found in the El Quadim Bay

by Olivier Notz
Common Big Eye

by Olivier Notz
panther flounder (both us pantherinus), perfectly concealed on the sand ground

by Olivier Notz
Ghost Pipe Fish: it was my first in the Red Sea after around 200 dives

by Beate Seiler
Nosy trigger fish

by Beate Seiler

by Beate Seiler

by Beate Seiler

by Olivier Notz
Lemon Coral Gob; real nervous small fishes :-)

by Beate Seiler
Red Sea Walkman profile

by Beate Seiler
Chromodoris quadeicolor

by Beate Seiler

by Beate Seiler

by Beate Seiler
small goby

by Olivier Notz
Variegated lizardfish

by Beate Seiler
Eye Shell

by Olivier Notz
To me an uncommon color. Before, I only saw them in reddish/brownish color, but never in this blue-green

by Olivier Notz
Pipefish on soft coral

by Olivier Notz
The lionfish found his face mirrored in the plan port quite interesting!

by Olivier Notz
Juvenile striped eel catfishes in the Bay

by Olivier Notz
Blenny sitting on a coral. When I see these fishes, I always think about lipstick and mascara, I don't know why :-)

by Olivier Notz
Eating and being eaten I only saw something red and silver moving in the coral and made quickly a picture. Only on the photo, I saw what is was...

by Olivier Notz
Crazy batfish that followed us several time, swimming through our bubbles

by Olivier Notz
Coral grouper in the shadow of a soft coral

by Olivier Notz
Always amazing to watch them filter the water

by Olivier Notz
Inside a giant clam

by Olivier Notz
Red Sea Walkman - where is the second one?

by Olivier Notz
Eurypegasus draconis / Flügelrossfisch / Seamoth

by Olivier Notz
curious batfishes that followed us for at least 5 minutes

by Beate Seiler
Turtle on the way to the suurface

by Olivier Notz
Eagle Ray search the ground for food

by Olivier Notz
Steinitz' Partner Goby

by Olivier Notz
Jung eagle ray

by Olivier Notz
swarm of yellow sweepers

by Olivier Notz
A small Mozambique host goby sitting on a coral

by Olivier Notz
5 dolphins playing around us divers at a depth or around 25 m depth, reason why the picture is quite dark and blue.

by Olivier Notz
Spanish dancer at night dive.

by Olivier Notz
A swarm of yellow sweepers in the middle of the El Quadim Bay

by Olivier Notz
Pleurosicya micheli / Michel's ghost goby

by Olivier Notz
Young batfishes at cleaning station

by Olivier Notz
Curious jewel fairy basslet

by Olivier Notz
Masked Butteflyfish / Chaetodon semilarvatus

by Olivier Notz
Arabian Angelfish from the front

by Olivier Notz
Translucent juvenile fish (around 1 cm / 1/2")

by Olivier Notz
Hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), that I frequently encountered over the years in the El Quadim bay,
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