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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Stuart Ganz (11)

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Peoples' Vote

I took this picture while standing on Queen Scuba's dive deck as the turtle swam by just below the surface. I really like the effect I got.
By Stuart Ganz
posted Monday, March 30, 2009
56 votes

Another beautiful day to be a turtle in Hawaii.
By Stuart Ganz
posted Monday, February 15, 2010
56 votes

Blue-Spotted Urchin, taken on Oahu's eastern shore in 60 FSW. I used my 20D W/60mm lens F5.6 1/125s.
By Stuart Ganz
posted Sunday, February 17, 2008
49 votes

Spotted eagle rays swimming over the
By Stuart Ganz
posted Tuesday, February 8, 2011
37 votes

Turtle over/under, taken with Canon 20D W/10-22 MM lens in 8
By Stuart Ganz
posted Tuesday, August 30, 2011
37 votes

Crowned Toby, Taken at Sharks Cove on Oahu's north shore. I used my Canon 20D W/60mm macro ISO/200 F/5.6 1/60s.
By Stuart Ganz
posted Sunday, July 6, 2008
36 votes

By Stuart Ganz
posted Friday, August 8, 2008
35 votes

Hawaiian Whitespotted Toby, endemic to Hawaii. 
60mm macro F4 1/60s ISO200
By Stuart Ganz
posted Saturday, March 1, 2008
34 votes

CORSAIR FIGHTER The U.S.Navy Gull Wing Corsair Fighter (F4U-1A). Lieutenant Holden made a
By Stuart Ganz
posted Saturday, August 2, 2008
34 votes

Diver over Carsair. Taken off Oahu's South shore with Canon 20D 10-22MM wide angle F5.6 1/100s ISO200.
By Stuart Ganz
posted Saturday, March 29, 2008
31 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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388 Entries Found: Page 11  of  15
Photographers from heaven.
Deer in the -well you know smile
Triton Scorpionfish - Taken with my 20D F/5.6 1/60s ISO 200 w 18-55MM lens.
This is a picture of the Makapuu light house on Oahu's eastern most point.
Urchin Shell
Crowned Toby - Who wouldn'd love a face like this?
Kangaroo Nudibranch
Moorish Idols
I added a little zoom blur to give this Yellow Margin Moray excitement!
Turtles at the cleaning station.
Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle, "The HONU"
White tip reef shark, This one has a hook in the mouth and is trailing fishing line. Good thing the hook will rust out and free the line. This photograph was taken as the shark swam under a ledge with my Canon 20D W/18-55 mm lens.
Please don't touch the Martian Damselfish, they're hot!
The Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle. "Honu". This shot was taken at a popular dive site on Oahu's West shore called Electric Beach. You can expect to see turtles there on every dive. Got to love it...
Crown of Thorns Seastar
Hawaiian white spotted toby. Endemic to Hawaii. This one likes chocolate cake smile
Sunken Zero.
Dwaft Moray, Taken at Three Tables, on Oahu's North shore.
Longfin Anthias, Taken at a dive site in Kona named "Two Step". These fish prefer depths of 100 feet or more. This photo was taken at 130 FSW with 60MM Macro, F5.6, 1/100s, ISO 200.
Rice Coral formation, you can almost see a hieroglyphic reindeer in there...
Moray eel, taken w / 60mm macro
CORSAIR FIGHTER The U.S.Navy Gull Wing Corsair Fighter (F4U-1A). Lieutenant Holden made a "dead stick landing" in 1945 on a training mission after running out of fuel. He was rescued, leaving behind an "intact" relic from another time.
Green sea turtle at a cleaning station in Kona.
"Yellow Chub" In old Hawaii it was regarded as the Queen of the school. This shot was taken in Sharks Cove with my Canon 20D W/ 60mm macro @ F/5 1/125s ISO200.
388 Entries Found: Page 11  of  15