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Taken under permit
By Arun Madisetti
posted Yesterday
Mom and Babies
By Didier Pasquini
posted (2 days ago)
Goniobranchus reticulata nudibranch_February 2025
 Canon EF100 1/200 f22 iso125
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (4 days ago)
Almost functionally extinct in the Caribbean  this beautiful D.Lab  grooved brain coral  is healthy.  BONAIRE  . Sealife micro3
By Arun Madisetti
posted (last week)
Healthy octocorals on the reef in Bonaire  not in the drop down menu . I guess Aruba is closest. Sealife micro3 seadragon lights
By Arun Madisetti
posted (last week)
Coryphellina exoptata_February 2025
 CanonEF100 1/200 f25 iso200
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (last week)

Underwater Photo Location: Electric Beach

Underwater Photo Location: Electric Beach

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Electric Beach gets it's name from the power plant across the street. It's located on Oahu's West side. Just take H-1 freeway west until it ends and turns into Farrigton highway. Continue on farrington highway untill you pass the Ko Olina exit. Electric beach will be on the left in just a nother 1/2 mile. Electric Beack AKA Kahe point State beck Park is one of the few places you can dive year round and that makes it also a popular training site. I got my start here back in 1994. Since then i've done hundreds of dives here and seen everything from sharks, dolphins turtles and rays to nudibranches, all the tropical fish to harliquin shrimp. The dives usually range from 20-40 FSW and last about 80 minutes. Water temp ranges from 70 in the winter to 82 in the summer. Vis is from 30-100 feet. The unique thing about this dive site are the two big hot water discharge pipes about 500 feet off shore. The powerplant brings in sea water to cool the turbines then discharges to water back off shore. It's really nice to swim by in the winter time for a warm up.

See you in the sea soon, Stu
Facts about Electric Beach
  • It is in United States
  • Electric Beach is in the Pacific.
  • The typical depth is 0-10 Metres 0-30 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
Dive Operators - United States
  1. Explorer Ventures
  2. Sunset Divers
  3. Truk Lagoon Dive Center
  4. Aqua Hut Dive & Travel Services
  5. Great Adventures Diveshop
  6. Sand Dollar
  7. South Pacific Island Travel
  8. Island & Cruise Adventure Inc.
  9. Reservation Services Int. Inc.
  10. Aggressor Fleet
  11. Livewell Ventures
  12. Roatan Charter Inc.
  13. Atlantis Dive Center, Inc.
  14. Kids Sea Camp
  15. Caribbean Adventures
  16. Travel Masters
  17. Aqua Dreams Travel, Inc.
  18. Maduro Dive Fanta-Seas
  19. Neal Watson's Undersea Adventures
  20. Mid-Altantic Scuba Center
  21. Pro Dive
  22. Billbeard's Costa Rica
  23. Underwater Safaris
  24. Scuba North
  25. Seasport Divers Hawaii
  26. Ocean Concepts
  27. Smoky Mountain Divers
  28. Abyss Dive Center
  29. Amoray Dive Resort
  30. Kona Honu Divers
  31. Openwater Habitat
  32. Reef Trekkers Hawaii
  33. Scuba Shack
  34. Chris Sawyer Diving Center
  35. Rex Dive Center
  36. Dive Vacations By Occidental
  37. Bahia Tours Inc.
  38. The Ski & Scuba Connection
  39. Buddy Dive Resort
  40. Caradonna Caribbean Tours
  41. Island Dreams Travel
  42. Kona Coast Divers Hawaii
  43. Maui Dive Shop Hawaii
  44. Peter Hughes Diving Inc.
  45. Sail Dive Yacht
  46. 1St Spice Divers
  47. 3 Little Devils
  48. Adventure Water Sports
  49. Alpha Marine And Diving
  50. Aquarius Dive & Travel
  51. Aquatic Perceptions
  52. Beneath The Sea
  53. Broadreach Summer Adventures For Teenagers
  54. Discovery Diving Co.
  55. Dive Kauai Scuba Center
  56. Diver Down Dive Charters
  57. Kellys On The Bay & Aqua-Nut Divers
  58. Lady Cyana Divers
  59. Lady-Go-Dive Charters
  60. Laguna Sea Sports
  61. Lake Ouachita Dive Center
  62. Lighthouse Dive Ctr
  63. Looe Key Reef Resort & Dive Center
  64. Rocky Mountain Scuba Club
  65. Silent World Dive Center
  66. Splash Dive Ctr Inc
  67. Treasure Cove Watersports Inc
  68. Maui Scuba Diving
  69. Reef Fantaseas
  70. Divi Resorts
  71. alwaysstock
  72. Angelfish Foundation
  73. Reel Eaxy Charters
  74. Reef Rainforest
  75. Florida Public Archaeology Network
  76. Florida Public Archaeology Network
  77. H2O Tours, Inc.
  78. Aqua Sport
  79. Ocean Master
  80. Learning Through Travel, Inc.
  81. Shark Diving International
  82. Pro Dive
  83. Solmar V
  84. Travel Masters
  85. Kona Village Resort
  86. Waikiki Diving
  87. Jack's Diving Locker
  88. Catalyst Caribbean Adventures
  89. Trimarine Boat Company
  90. Dive Maui/Hawaiian Rafting Adventures
  91. Dive & Sea Sports
  92. Spree Expeditions, Inc.
  93. Scuba Travel Ventures
  94. Great Expeditions Travel
  95. PWD
  96. Innerspace Productions
  97. the MANTA
  98. Ocean Presence Technologies
  99. YDI Scuba
  100. World Resorts of Distinction
  101. Aua-Trek USA
  102. Miss Scuba
  103. Dolphin Destiny Adventures
  104. South Seas Adventures
  105. Oceana
  106. Dream Weaver Travel
  107. Maduro Dive
  108. Caradonna Dive Adventures
  109. Den Laman Condominiums
  111. Neal Watson's Undersea Adventures
  112. Bahia Tours Inc.
  113. Best Western Crystal River Resort
  114. Travel Network
  115. Lost Coast Excursions
  116. Live Well Ventures Travel Services
  117. Agressor Fleet
  118. Blue Lagoon Cruises Ltd
  119. Caradonna Dive Adventures
  120. Caribbean Adventures/World Dive Adventures
  121. Deep Blue Divers
  122. Go Diving!
  123. Proprietor
  124. Juliet Sailing and Diving
Dive types

Marine Life

by Stuart Ganz
Pin Cushion Shrimp, taken with 60mm macro F5 1/60s IOS200.

by Stuart Ganz
Freckled Sand Eel, taken @ "Electric Beach" on Oahu's west side w/60MM macro.

by Stuart Ganz
AmberJack ~ Got lucky with my macro lens.

by Stuart Ganz
White spotted tobys, a common fish on the Hawaiian reef. Photo taken with Canon 20D 60mm macro F5.6 1/100 ISO200.

by Stuart Ganz

by Stuart Ganz
Hawaiian white spotted toby. Endemic to Hawaii. This one likes chocolate cake :)

by Stuart Ganz
Crown of Thorns Seastar

by Stuart Ganz
The Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle. "Honu". This shot was taken at a popular dive site on Oahu's West shore called Electric Beach. You can expect to see turtles there on every dive. Got to love it...

by Stuart Ganz
Please don't touch the Martian Damselfish, they're hot!

by Stuart Ganz

by Stuart Ganz
White tip reef shark, This one has a hook in the mouth and is trailing fishing line. Good thing the hook will rust out and free the line. This photograph was taken as the shark swam under a ledge with my Canon 20D W/18-55 mm lens.

by Stuart Ganz

by Stuart Ganz
Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle, "The HONU"

by Stuart Ganz
I added a little zoom blur to give this Yellow Margin Moray excitement!

by Alan Shepard
A great manta in Hanauma Bay, Oahu.

by Stuart Ganz
Moorish Idols

by Stuart Ganz
Kangaroo Nudibranch

by Stuart Ganz
Crowned Toby - Who wouldn'd love a face like this?

by Stuart Ganz
Urchin Shell

by Stuart Ganz
Deer in the -well you know :)

by Stuart Ganz
This may be the last thing you see.....

by Stuart Ganz
One of my favorite subjects.

by Stuart Ganz
Pin cushion shrimp

by Stuart Ganz
Crown of Thorns

by Stuart Ganz
Taken with 60mm macro F5.6 1/60s ISO100.

by Stuart Ganz
Caught this Blacksided Hawkfish resting on a coral head. Taken with Canon 20D W/60mm macro F 5.6, 1/125 ISO 100.

by Stuart Ganz
The Hawaiian whitespotted toby is a common fish on the reef. I guess that's why I take some many pictures of the. I got this one today at Kahe beach park, AKA "electric Beach"

by Stuart Ganz
I found a little brittle star on the bottom of this pin cushion star.

by Stuart Ganz
Hawaiian White Spotted Toby

by Stuart Ganz
Urchin Macro - F4 1/60 ISO 200.

by Stuart Ganz
Raccoon Butterfly Fish

by Stuart Ganz
Coming in for a landing.

by Stuart Ganz
Urchin shell

by Stuart Ganz
School of goat fish

by Stuart Ganz

by Stuart Ganz
Hermit Crab Party

by Stuart Ganz
The water was so clear last Saturday that when a pod of dolphins swam by I was able to shoot them with my macro lens. YIPPIE!!!

by Stuart Ganz
Pebble Collector unchin moving across the sand.

by Stuart Ganz
Lil blue box fish

by Stuart Ganz
Reccoon Butterfly Fish

by Stuart Ganz
White spotted box fish.

by Stuart Ganz
Juvenile Orangeband Surgeonfish

by Stuart Ganz
Lauwiliwilinukunukuoioi - Hawaiian for Long Nose Butterfly Fish

by Stuart Ganz
Potters Anglefish. Fairly common on the Hawaiian reef although not easy to photograph as they are very shy.

by Stuart Ganz
Crowned Toby taken @ Electric Beach, Oahu.

by Stuart Ganz
Reflections from below.

by Stuart Ganz
Sargent Major

by Stuart Ganz
Pair of lizzard fish. Converted to BW in PSE8.

by Stuart Ganz
Moray W/cleaner Shrimp.

by Stuart Ganz
Pustulose Phyllidia

by Stuart Ganz
Hawaiian green sea turtle in Sepia.

by Stuart Ganz
Hawaiian Domino Damselfish

by Stuart Ganz
Juvenile bluestripe butterfly fish

by Stuart Ganz
Little Moray just saying hi

by Stuart Ganz
Arch Eye Hawkfish hiding in the coral.

by Stuart Ganz
Now here's something you don't see every day, Urchins spawning.

by Stuart Ganz
Crowned Toby

by Stuart Ganz
Sand Dollar

by Stuart Ganz
Hairy Hermit Crab

by Stuart Ganz
Parrot fish

by Stuart Ganz
Hawaiian Whitespotted Toby

by Stuart Ganz
Neon Hawaiian snappers

by Stuart Ganz
Blue box fish

by Stuart Ganz

by Stuart Ganz
Floral Puffer

by Stuart Ganz
Fish soup

by Stuart Ganz
Turtle Sunburst

by Stuart Ganz
Bubble Honu

by Steven Apsley
Turtle fly-by at Kahe Beach in Oahu, Hawaii
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