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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Debi Henshaw (9)

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Peoples' Vote

By Debi Henshaw
posted Sunday, May 3, 2009
67 votes

This cute pygmy was perfectly framed in its own little heart - all say Arhhhh!
By Debi Henshaw
posted Thursday, February 26, 2009
51 votes

By Debi Henshaw
posted Monday, March 15, 2010
47 votes

By Debi Henshaw
posted Friday, May 1, 2009
44 votes

By Debi Henshaw
posted Monday, March 29, 2010
44 votes

Close up of a Peacock Mantis Shrimp
By Debi Henshaw
posted Saturday, February 14, 2009
43 votes

By Debi Henshaw
posted Tuesday, March 24, 2009
42 votes

By Debi Henshaw
posted Wednesday, May 13, 2009
42 votes

By Debi Henshaw
posted Tuesday, May 5, 2009
41 votes

By Debi Henshaw
posted Wednesday, October 14, 2009
41 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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301 Entries Found: Page 9  of  12
"Pickled Octopus" Bet he thought I couldn't see him :o)
"These are the colours to be wearing this year"
"Big Tum"
"Black Hole"

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
Nice abstract Debi
"Pure Silk"
"Tomato" :o)
"These legs were made for walking" No Cropping :o)
"Sardine Run?????" :o)
"Snapper" :o)
"My what a big brood you have" :o)
"Mr Grumpy" :o)
"Open Wide" Lizard fish caught yawning :o)
"Life on a Feather" No Cropping :o)
"Egg Cargo" Banded Pipefish carrying his precious cargo of eggs :o)
"Flyover" Unusual angle of a Trumpetfish. No Cropping :o)
"Flying Tiger" This little fella was not staying put so caught him in flight! (Where's the box jellyfish juice when you need it!) :o)
"Oooh where did you come from?"
"Bright Eyes" Close up of a White eyed Moray No Cropping :o)
"Colours of the Reef" Bunaken National Park - Tokina 10-17
"Ghostly" Ghost Shrimp No Cropping :o)
Taylors Eel - also known as Leopard Eel. 60mm + 2 diopter. No cropping :o)
"I Love You 2" Another angle of the heart encased pygmy :o)
Final RoundThrough to 2009 awards final round judging
"Out of the Darkness" at least I didn't have to contend with Box Jellyfish to get this shot :o)
"Damsel in Distress" yet another clownfish with a parasite in its mouth, I think 90% of them I saw on the last trip had this parasite which is very worrying. :o)
"Blue Ring" 60mm +2 diopter no cropping :o)
"Triple Decker" Not one but 3 Shaggy Frogfish stacked on top of each other. This group were part of a group of 7 in one spot - definately some interbreeding going on :o) No Cropping
Emperor Shrimp sitting on an egg cowry which has given such a great background. Uncropped :o)
301 Entries Found: Page 9  of  12