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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Chase Darnell (8)

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Peoples' Vote

By Chase Darnell
posted Sunday, June 15, 2014
29 votes

By Chase Darnell
posted Tuesday, September 8, 2015
29 votes

By Chase Darnell
posted Tuesday, September 30, 2014
26 votes

By Chase Darnell
posted Monday, October 5, 2015
25 votes

By Chase Darnell
posted Wednesday, October 1, 2014
24 votes

A super clear day at Starfish Point.
By Chase Darnell
posted Friday, September 4, 2015
24 votes

Diver observing a Hawksbill eat from the blue! 
North Wall, Grand Cayman
By Chase Darnell
posted Wednesday, July 30, 2014
23 votes

By Chase Darnell
posted Friday, December 16, 2016
23 votes

The right place at the right time is all that can be said about this photo!
By Chase Darnell
posted Tuesday, June 24, 2014
22 votes

By Chase Darnell
posted Thursday, August 28, 2014
22 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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359 Entries Found: Page 8  of  14
Some days the visibility here in Cayman really makes you sit back and enjoy.
"Jelly Fun"
Having some fun with this Upside Down Jelly at Starfish Point.
"The Pace"
A diver keeps pace with an Eagle Ray to grap the perfect shot.
"Dive Bomb"
We watched this Turtle surface, then headed into a swim through. As soon as I exited I looked up to find him heading straight for me. I quickly adjusted settings and pulled the shutter.
A resting Southern Stingray almost completely covered with sand.
"View from the Bottom"
The Wall on this site has so much life. Massive sponges and sea fans all full, healthy, and colorful.
Final RoundThrough to 2015 awards final round judging
Turtle on a mission.
"Light Show"
Safety stop greatness to finish off the dive.
"The Hallway"
Schoolmaster Snapper leading the way through a large swim through.
"Those Days"
One of those times where everything comes together. The weather, the subject, the ambient light, and all this equals an awesome memory and an awesome image.
"Sand Storm"
A Stingray explodes from his resting place and throws up a lot of sand.
"I'm Out"
A Stingray is disturbed from his nap just out side of Sandbar Cut at Romaine Reef.
"Sunny Daze"
A school of Blue Tang cruise under the boat.
"Follow the Leader"
A School of Blue Tang flying in formation.
"Stare Down"
Portrait of an Octopus during the day. We found this guy feeding on a conch on a morning dive in Little Cayman.
This Cleaning Gobe found of colorful groove to hang out in.
A Sun Halo wraps around the sun.
A Sun Halo appeared above the boat while we snorkeling at the barrier reef.
"All Business"
This small reef fish sure does have a personality.
"Blue Beauty"
This Filefish's color was amazing. After spending some time gaining it's trust I was able to get a detailed portrait highlighting his blue lines on his face.
"Sunny Eye's"
A close-up of a Seahorse.
"Fish Life"
There is a certain ridge on the dive site Big Tunnels that boasts some of the best juvenile fish life on the island.
"Going Down"
As the sun sets, the sky comes to life with color.
Manta's are a rare sighting here in Cayman. We were greeted by this fairly large Manta this spring. I didn't have to swim much as he literally came straight at me, and then right over my head.
"Green Snow"
A Sponge spawning on the edge of the wall.
"Spring Cleaning"
This Yellow-head Jawfish let me watch him dig out his whole for about 20 minutes.
"Lunary Shark"
Caribbean Reef Shark cruising the sand in the shallows.
359 Entries Found: Page 8  of  14