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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By James Deverich (7)

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Peoples' Vote

Stick that in your pipe.
By James Deverich
posted Wednesday, April 30, 2014
26 votes

Finally he turned to face the camera!

Chromodoris dianae
By James Deverich
posted Friday, May 30, 2014
25 votes

Water mage
By James Deverich
posted Monday, March 7, 2016
25 votes

Dragon / Eubranchus
By James Deverich
posted Wednesday, May 18, 2016
24 votes

Whip it
By James Deverich
posted Wednesday, December 17, 2014
23 votes

Pucker up!
By James Deverich
posted Wednesday, February 25, 2015
23 votes

Pink goggled sentinel
By James Deverich
posted Friday, January 1, 2016
23 votes

Blushing Yellow / Gobi
By James Deverich
posted Monday, March 16, 2015
21 votes

Hawk fish, best buds.
By James Deverich
posted Wednesday, June 4, 2014
20 votes

White & Milk Chocolate / Crinoid commensal shrimp
By James Deverich
posted Monday, November 17, 2014
20 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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272 Entries Found: Page 7  of  11
Nembrotha Aurea or purpureolineata maybe.
Bonus crab! / Didn't see the small crab till I got this on the computer.
Nembrotha Aurea
Where rocking horse people eat marshmellow pies.
Segmented eyes / Only able to shoot one angle as there was a piece of coral in front. 105mm with +10 Diopter.
Munida olivarae (Olivar's Squat Lobster)
What does a doctor say on a pirate ship?
Open your mouth and say Araaaghhh.
chromodoris Willani
Negative Coral
Figure of eight
Pteraeolidia ianthina
Ooo Barracuda!
Day of wide pictures.
Six / Clark's Anemone fish or yellow tailed clown fish. Interesting to catch six together.
No model what shall I shoot?
Dust Catcher / Porcelain crab filtering
Black and yellow / Crinoid commensal shrimp
Creepy Clown / Long shadows from one strobe gave an interesting mood to this shot.
White & Milk Chocolate / Crinoid commensal shrimp
Crinoid shrimp on the Wakatobi House Reef.
Shades of shrimp / Crinoid commensal shrimp
The Flame / Gill's of Chromodoris Wilani. Shot with 105 & +10 diopter.
Risky Business / Dare devil cleaner wrasse doing a loop the loop through the mouth of a lion.(Well Lion sounds better than Goatfish!)
Nembrotha lineolata - Beautiful on their own, more so in their natural environment. No need to zoom in all the way sometimes.
Tomato on Tomato / Interesting for the background of the adult.
Nembrotha lineolata / Had to work for the angle, a little salt water up the nose shooting up is great for clearing the sinuses.
Diver eclipse / Silhouette and Snell's window.
Goby again, different image maybe I like this one more. For the bouquet.
272 Entries Found: Page 7  of  11