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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Malcolm Nimmo (3)

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Peoples' Vote

A surprise wave ..
By Malcolm Nimmo
posted Wednesday, September 24, 2008
24 votes

A jewel from the Scillies....
By Malcolm Nimmo
posted Friday, August 8, 2008
23 votes

Just hanging around in the Maldives
By Malcolm Nimmo
posted Wednesday, April 16, 2008
22 votes

Another early morning dive in the Maldives
By Malcolm Nimmo
posted Wednesday, April 2, 2008
20 votes

Contented diver at the surface ...
By Malcolm Nimmo
posted Friday, March 28, 2008
19 votes

Unknown  anchor - Isles of Scilly
By Malcolm Nimmo
posted Monday, September 8, 2008
18 votes

Close up of a squat lobster , Sound of Mull, Scotland
By Malcolm Nimmo
posted Thursday, August 21, 2008
17 votes

A moray eel going unnoticed ...
By Malcolm Nimmo
posted Monday, April 7, 2008
16 votes

Tiny nudibranch  -- Isles of Scilly
By Malcolm Nimmo
posted Wednesday, August 13, 2008
16 votes

An inquisitive nudibranch  - Isles of Scilly,uk – Nikon d70s with 60mm lens
By Malcolm Nimmo
posted Monday, August 4, 2008
15 votes
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88 Entries Found: Page 3  of  4
Nudi - photo taken off the west coast of Tioman; D70s; 60mm macro
Wreck off Tioman Island; D70s 12-24mm; sea and sea housing
A cuttle fish eye - taken off PLymouth Sound, S devon, UK using Nikon D70s and 60mm macro...
A flattie taken off the coast of south Devon, UK... Nikon D70s and 60 mm
Elongated jewel anenome from the Scillies - Nikon D70s and 60mm macro
A bouquet of Plumose anenomes - Using D70S 12-24mm lens....
Another Scilly seal - ambient light and d70s with 12-24mmm lens
A Scilly jewel anenome.. D70s 60mm macro
A friendly Isles of Scilly seal - used ambinet light with 12-24mm wide angle
Diver looking through part of the bows of the Hathor - Isles of Scilly, UK - d70 - 12-24 mm
Contrasting coloured anthias around some nice coral - used 12-24mm wide angle and one ys90 strobe ...
Blue spotted Ray taken in the Red sea - experimented with colour levels what do you think ?
Pretty large fan off the wall of little brother, Red sea - Used Nikon D70s with 12-24mm lens ....
A lovely clump of cluster anenomes from the Isles of Scilly....
An array of plumose anenomes - taken in the Scillies, UK.... d70s 60mm
Some sort of goby.. - taken from a wreck located around the Scillies - if anyone knows what it is ...let me now - many thanks
Hi - Apologies - but another Scilly (isles of ) shot - this time cose up of a nudibranch......
Baby angler fish not at all worried by my presence...... Used a nikon D70s and 60mm lens. Shot taken from the Isles of Scilly
Devonshire cup coral from the Isles of Scilly - Nikon D70s and 60mm macro
Another shot from the scillies - this time a nudibranch on a sea fan - thanks to Allen for spotting it - D70s 60mm lens.
Just got back from the Scillies - great week although viz not at it's usual Scillonian best - hence macro shot. The jewel anenomes however were still lovely - D70S 60mm macro
Topshell on an elephant ear sponge -Taken at Hands Deep off S.Devon, uk - using D70s and 60mm macro
Softcoral on Elphinestone using D70 and 12-24mm lens
Hi, UK spiney starfish taken using D70 ......
We have lovely marine life in the UK - jewel anemones from the Scillies are particularly nice....
Okey dokey - my lionfish picture wasnt popular - How about this one - with a little bit of software help for the background ...
Red Sea again...lionfish from above...
88 Entries Found: Page 3  of  4