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Video Underwater Photo Contest | Macro - swimming (416)

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Peoples' Vote

Taken under permit
By Arun Madisetti
posted (2 days ago)
1 votes

Goniobranchus reticulata nudibranch_February 2025
(Canon EF100,1/200,f22,iso125)
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (5 days ago)
0 votes

Mom and Babies
By Didier Pasquini
posted (3 days ago)
0 votes

A beautiful cuttlefish showing off their magical colours whilst hiding under a ledge. Taken at Busselton Jetty, Western Australia. 
This image was shot with Iphone 14 pro - sealife sportdiver
By Arianne Lienert
posted 23:01 CST Today (within the last hour)
0 votes

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12969 Entries Found: Page 416  of  481
Smaller subjects typically 1 to 3 inches (2.5 to 7.5cm) shot on macro settings or with macro equipment that are in MID WATER not touching anything (i.e. between 1:1 and 1:3)
Comb jelly taken off Atauro Island with Olympus C8080
Goatfish taken at Sharksbay with Olympus E-300.
Maldivian Anomonefish taken with a lot of patience.
Grey angel
The trio. The species is Parapristipoma octolineatum, and it's possible to find groups of them at certain places of the Canary Islands, but generally it's not a very common species here.
red sea Dahab, 2006
Leopard spotted goby. North Wales.
Ornate Ghost Pipefish of Bohol
Ghost Pipefish. Olympus C-8080WZ, macro. Ikelite DS-125.
Leaf Scorpionfish taken at Sipadan Island, East Malaysia
Trachinus spp. The first 3 spines of the dorsal fin of these fishes are poisonous. Diving it's no problem, because they don't let you touch them, but many fishermen have had serious problems with these fishes.

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
This guy sits comfortably in the frame
Harlequin prawn goby with prawn.
Grouper at cleaning station. Shrimp and Gobies. Nikon D2x. 105mm 2xtc.
Parrotfish with protective coating to disguise scent from predators at night.
This filefish was seen April 2006 at Isla Mujeres. The picture was taken with a Canon PowerShot SD 550.
Tiny bubble shrimp no bigger than a piece of rice !! First try with twin INON macro lenses an e900.
Hawkfish Watching. Taken at Dili Rock with Olympus C5050
Coris gaimard in Maui - Kodachrome64
Mandarin fish laying eggs. Taken at sunset at Mabul island with a little luck!!
It must be a girl it is all pink and very shy
young zeus faber in Capo Noli (SV) may 2006
"Fish buddy piggyback", Key Largo, FL
Spotted Moray sniffing about. Again in Taiwan taken with new FUJI e900... 1xINON macro and twin strobes. 1st time with twin strobes... really get in the way don't they smile
I dont know what sort of fish this is, it has some similar features to a dragonnet with its pert lips and extended eyes. This photo was taken at the 1 Mile Jetty in Carnarvon W.A, and the specimen was about 2cm long and very mobile. Only one in focus
Clown and parasite (in mouth) - Canon 10D. poor thing! TaBob
Giant Mantis Shrimp at Kapalai
Tiger Beach - the best night dive in the world and only 48 people have done it? Tiger shark with video light in backgound. Sea & Sea housed Nikon D50 with Subtronic strobe
12969 Entries Found: Page 416  of  481