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11 Entries Found

UVCThat part of the ultraviolet spectrum nearest to X rays, i.e. short wavelength UV.
UVBBetween UVA and UVC.
UVAThat part of the ultraviolet spectrum nearest to visible light, i.e. long wavelength UV.
UVBeyond violet. That part of the electromagnetic spectrum which lies beyond the violet end of the visible spectrum, i.e. of shorter wavelength than violet, and invisible to humans.
USMUnsharp Mask. A process used to sharpen images
USBUniversal Serial Bus. The most common type of connector to transfer files from digital cameras and scanners. Data transfer speed up to 350 KB/s
Unsharp Mask filterA filter for increasing apparent sharpness of a digital image
Unsharp MaskSee USM
Underwater ConnectorFlash connectors that are specifically for underwater use.
under/overshots that are taken underwater but also have a subject that can be seen through the surface (in Snells' window)
UmaticSony analog videocassette recording system using helical scanning and 3/4 inch magnetic tape. First appeared mid 1970s. Once favored by industrial training departments, drama schools, etc. but now largely obsolete.
11 Entries Found