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23 Entries Found

GutterThe blank space between columns on a page or the inner edges of a book page.
Guidesappear as lines that float over the entire image and do not print. You can move, remove, or lock a guide to avoid accidentally moving it.
Guide NumberA number used to represent the illuminating power of a photographic flash for comparison of efficiency with other flash units.
GrayscaleThis mode uses up to 256 shades of gray. Every pixel of a grayscale image has a brightness value ranging from 0 (black) to 255 (white). Grayscale values can also be measured as percentages of black ink coverage (0% is equal to white, 100% to black).
Graphic PenUses fine, linear ink strokes to capture the details in the original image and is especially striking with scanned images. The filter replaces color in the original image, using the foreground color for ink and background color for paper.
GraphicAny non-text element like a photo, a piece of clip art, or a graph.
grain(AKA granularity) is the unwanted random optical texture
Gradient toolFills a closed object with a range of colors that fade into each other.
GradiationOften used as a screen printing term, the gradual changing of color across a substrate.
GlossThe shine or luster of a paper.
global light Using global light gives the appearance of a consistent light source shining on the image.
GlitchVideo noise appearing on the TV screen
GIGOGarbage In, Garbage Out
GigabyteA term applied to the size of an image, hard drive, or storage unit. A gigabyte is 1,024 megabytes of data (roughly one million bytes).
GIFThe CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format [pronounced Jif] is the file format commonly used to display 256 color graphics and images in web pages on the Internet. Not good for photos, good for graphics.
GhostingDuring the print process, a shadow that appears in the print that is generally undesirable.
GenerationEach stage of a reproduction as it is changed from its original state.
GCRGray Component Replacement is an extension of UCR in that it replaces the neutral colors in the image as well as the colored areas with equal amounts of cyan, magenta, and yellow throughout the tonal range of the image.
GBGigaByte - 1,024 MegaBytes
Gaussian BlurA filter used for defocusing a digital image
GamutThe gamut of a color system is the range of colors that can be displayed or printed. The spectrum of colors that can be viewed by the human eye is wider than any method of reproducing color. The RGB gamut is greater than that of the CMYK model.
GalleriesA managed collection of images displayed in a conveniently accessible form
Gain ControlAn electronic control that prevents under or over exposure
23 Entries Found