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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From The Tyrrhenian Sea

2644 Entries Found: Page 86  of  98
Flabellina In una grotta di Capo Palinuro
Exploring the wreck of "Capua", about -40 m. deep
Zeus faber
Divers in backlight
Exploring the wreck of " Capua" in Nord-West of Sicily island in 1980's.
This is one of my first u/w shot (1960's) my buddy in backlight. Calypso Phot + 35 mm Berthiot. Ilford FP4 film f/22 1/125.
In 1980's we found this very big anchor. Maybe it is from an ancien vessel.
Deco-stop after deep diving on Capua wreck in early 1980's.
In the 1960'S and early 1970's my team use the two-hoses regulators none use boyancy-compensator.
My buddy behind a porthole of " Capua" wreck.
In 1980's I and my team discovered many wreks, this is sunken during 2° W.W. by torpaedos of english submarinerin in nord/west coast of Sicily in about 40 m. deep.
Divers on the stern exploring the wreck of " Capua".
In 1980's I and my team discovered many wreks, this is sunken during 2° W.W. by torpaedos of english submarinerin in nord/west coast of Sicily in about 40 m. deep.
Exploring the wreck of " Capua".
In 1980's I and my team discovered many wreks, this is sunken during 2° W.W. by torpaedos of english submarinerin in nord/west coast of Sicily in about 40 m. deep.
In 1980's I and my team explored some wreks in little islands of Mediterranean sea, one of this was the " Minerva" in Palntelleria island. This one was very broken.
The funnel of " Capua" wreck.
In 1980's I and my team discovered many wreks, this is sunken during 2° W.W. by torpaedos of english submarinerin in nord/west coast of Sicily in about 40 m. deep.
piccolo nudibranco
An Hermodice carunculata eating a sea star
Trombetta/ Pesci che prediligono le profondità , ma che a Reggio Calabria è possibile incontrare anche ad 1 metro di profondità.
Spugna che cola...
tethys fimbria
piccolo nudibranco
Nudibranco / fotografato ad una profondità di 14 metri d300s con una Nikon ob. Nikon 60 macro in custodia Subal.
Scorpion Fish - Scorpaena Scrofa
Muraena Helena
2644 Entries Found: Page 86  of  98

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