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Our UW photo contest is the longest running and most prestigious online. If you want to make a name for yourself this is THE place to do it. See some famous publications about winning photos.

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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From The Tyrrhenian Sea

2644 Entries Found: Page 85  of  98
Cratena peregrina, photographed with Nikon 105 macro and telephoto 1.4x
A Sepia officinalis in the Mediterranean sea.
Agelas oroides in the Mediterranean sea.
A Thalassoma pavo in the Mediterranean sea.
A beautiful Coris julis in the Mediterranean sea.
A beautiful Symphodus rostratus in the mediterranean sea.
A couple of beautiful Anthias anthias in the Mediterranean sea.
A Diplodus vulgaris in the Mediterranean sea.
Symphodus mediterraneus in the Mediterranean Sea.
Symphodus ocellatus in the Mediterranean sea.
Symphodus rostratus in the Mediterranean sea.
anfora/ ripresa effettuata nel mare dell'Isola di Ponza
ambiente/visita al fondale delle "5 terre" in Liguria
Seaurchin. Photo taken using a camera obscura technique early 1900. Manipulated in Photoshop.
It is part of a series of photos taken with this technique.
Nikon D60 with Nikkor 18-55 VR in Easydive Leo housing; two strobes.
Trasparenze Fotografata in una grotta di Capo Palinuro con Nikonos III, UW 28mm. e tubo di prolunga
Shells on a sea urchin
Flabellina - Grotte di Palinuro
Seastar and shediver
Underwater photographers
Diver and gorgonians.
Mediterranean nudi
Red Moon Notte: una barca va a pesca
Reflection on the dive-masck.
"At full speed" in navigazione nel Mar Tirreno al largo della Corsica
The bow of the wreck " Capua", about -40 m. deep
2644 Entries Found: Page 85  of  98

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