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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From The Tyrrhenian Sea

2644 Entries Found: Page 83  of  98
Anthias anthias.
A very nice Lepadogaster lepadogaster. This fish to live under the rock of the bottom sea.
Magnetic eye... of a Octopus vulgaris.
I see you but... you see me?
Scorpaena notata.
Mullus surmuletus.
Octopus vulgaris... magnetic eye...
A luria lurida shell.
Luria lurida cipraea.
Palaemon serratus.
Parablennius gattorugine.
A nice crab Dromia personata whit above a sponge for hideaway
Chromis chromis.
Aplysia parvula on Posidonia oceanica.
A beautiful Scorpaena scrofa.
Moray with cleaning Shrimp - Canon G9 in Canon housing
Two sea worms Protula tubularia.
A Agelas oroides in the Mediterranean sea of Lampedusa island.
Blackfin Barracuda (Canon G9 in Canon housing)
A bivalve Pinna nobilis.
A Apogon imberbis in the Mediterranean sea.
A Gobius geniporus in the Mediterranean sea.
A beautiful Oblada melanura in the Mediterranean sea.
A nice symphodus tinca in the night of Mediterranean sea.
A very nice Mullus surmuletus in the night of Mediterranean sea.
A Parablennius gattorugine in the night of Mediterranean sea.
Murena helena.
Astroides calycularis in the Mediterranean sea.
2644 Entries Found: Page 83  of  98

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