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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From The Tyrrhenian Sea

2644 Entries Found: Page 82  of  98
Spirastrella cunctatrix.
Astroides calycularis.
A beautiful Palinurus elephas.
Murena helena.
Cratena peregrina nudibranch.
Serranus Cabrilla.
Flabellina affinis
Serranus scriba and anthias sp.
Lying at 12 meters, in apnea, creating o-ring bubbles with one breath, very relaxing...
Pelagia noctiluna
Astroides calycularis e Petrosia ficiformis.
serranus scriba
Chromis chromis.
A sunset reflexed in the sea...
Diplodus vulgaris.
Pelagia noctiluna: strange reflection
Dondice banyulensis, near Elba Island. This is the biggest nudibranch living in the Mediterranean, up to 7 cm!
Protula sp.
Pelagia noctiluna
Infrared image of Scopello's gulf.
Aiptasia mutabilis.
Trachinus areneus.
A nice fish underground the bottom sea.
Ventotene Island and St. Stephen's, day, evening and night.
Aiptasia mutabilis.
Eunicella cavolinii.
Murena helena.
Anthias anthias.
2644 Entries Found: Page 82  of  98

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