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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Cuba

804 Entries Found: Page 23  of  30
the famous El niño @ Jardines de la Reina... somewhat scarry but extremely tame...
cayo blanco wall
Wreck dive
Alligator in mangrove swamp - Jardines de la rejna - Cuba
Nikon D300 - 10.5 Nikkor - No strobo
In shallow water outside a mangrove swamp in Cuba I find this scrawled cowfish.
Lactophrys quadricornis
''You come here often?!''
Somewhere near Santiago coast
A scool of caribbean batfishes in Cuba island.
A lobster hiding out in a cave off the coast of Guantanamo Bay Cuba. The seas were extremely rough that day and when we surfaced and tried to swim to shore my dive buddy actually got caught in a rip current. He finally made it...minus some equipment
Lion fish....
Synchronized swimming...
dive site: right off the malecon, close to ship wreck
Nemo! A silk shark who, despite an imperfect fin, grew to become the leader of the group. Jardines de la reyna, Cuba, July 2009. Taken with Nikon D90
Spinny shark - jardines de la reyna, Cuba, July 2009.
Blue on Black
Pepita - a rather big and inquisitive grouper, attracted by my camera! Taken at jardines da la reyna, cuba, july 2009 with Nikon D90
Caribbean grey from below - jardines de la reyna, Cuba, July 2009. Taken with Nikon D90
Tiny Blenny fish in front of Christmas Tree Worm
Tarpon's profile - Jardines de la reyna, Cuba - July 2009. Taken with Nikon D90
c'est un epave a seulement 60' pieds dans la regions de holguin cuba
Tea time!!!!
Grey reef shark with a mad look on his face
Angel fish
Silky shark
Orange and black, what a nice view.
Realy hard to photo littel friend.....but at the end. :=)
804 Entries Found: Page 23  of  30

dive sites Dive sites for Cuba