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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Indonesia

18783 Entries Found: Page 692  of  696
The corner.Nikon F90, 20 mm with filter
Walea 2003
Aegires, Bunaken
Manta Ray. D70,20mm. Sangkalaki

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
Nice Manta (and a diagonal) Frankie
Harlequin shrimps @ Bali, Seraya
Pygmy Portrait. D2x, 105mm, 2xteleconverter and lots of cussing.
Winner Monthly HotShots shortlistedShortlisted!

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
Absolutely the last Pygmy Seahorse to win our monthly comp! It's good to go out on a high note. No more please, even the Doc won't top this one...
Pink lovers. Nikon F90x, 105 macro,Two strobo ttl, velvia 50 asa ,Lembhe
A racing slug! Nudibranch from Manado. With an Olympus 5060 and Epoque strobe
Pygmy Seahorse and a Goby.
A lionfish in ambush, perhaps mimicing nearby crinoids on red sea fan who are starting to feed.
S2Pro, DS-125
In,out. Nikon F90X , 16mmm wide angle, velvia 50,no strobo
A very, hairy crab! Shot with the 105mm and 2xtc racked out to the max. Full frame, no cropping. Nikon D2x.
Gorgonia. This big fan is one of many gorgonia and other corals at the reefs of Bunaken, North-Sulawesi.
So cute! Tiny little blenny snapped whilst sheltering from strong currents somewhere near Manado
Taken at Bali, Indonesia
Taken at Bali, Indonesia
Nemo and his family. Picture taken with Nikon F100 and Tamron 90 mm macro lens.
Taken at Bali, Indonesia
Taken at Bali, Indonesia
Hairy squat Lobster in a sponge barrel taken with Nikon F100 and a 105 lens with 4T Dioptre
Shiny! Close up of a baitfish off Bunaken, Manado
Nicely coloured nudibranch off Bunaken, Manado
A 'camouflaged' baby octopus, taken at Bali, Indonesia
Nudibranch with a twist, a greenwater background. D2x 60mm with Woody's diopter
More of the seamoth taken at Bali, Indonesia
Alex and the stars,Nikon D100
Ma Ma! Well, not sure about that.
D2x 60mm Woody's diopter.
Cute pair of skunk anemone fish on a Bunaken dive site.
18783 Entries Found: Page 692  of  696

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