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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Indonesia

18783 Entries Found: Page 57  of  696
through my window
Doughnuts Doto greenmeyeri
Sunbathing Porcelain Crab
Hypselodoris apolegma/This is a 100 mm macro lens close-up of this beautiful nudibranch.
Angles - Bump-Head Sunfish - Mola alexandrini - Gilli Mimpang, Bali, Indonesia
Banggai cardinal fish/Photographed with a 60 mm macro lens at Lembeh, Indonesia
Cassopea andromeda (upside-down jellyfish)/Photographed with a 60 mm macro lens at Lembeh, Indonesia.
Napolean snake eel/photographed with a 60 mm macro lens at Lembeh, Indonesia
Blue-Ringed Octopus/photographed with a 60 mm macro lens at Lembeh, Indonesia
walking shark
Imperial shrimp on the sea cucumber.
lost his way
Sagaminopteron psychedelicum
eyes in yellow
a perfect camuflage
Hypselodoris iacula/Photographed with a 60 mm macro lens and SMC-1.
Hypselodoris apolegma/Photographed with a 100 mm macro lens.
Emperor Shrimp on Spanish Dancer/Photographed with a Canon 60 mm macro lens on a night dive.
Emperor Shrimp on Sea Cucumber/Photographed with Canon 60 mm macro lens, Nauticam SMC-1, and Retra snoot.
Beautiful Ocellate Octopus, resting on a rock.
Threatening Peacock Mantis Shrimp Protecting Eggs/Photographed with a 60 mm macro lens. The shrimp didn't notice me at first. After the first shot, she turned to look at me, and after the second shot threw her arms up to threaten me.
18783 Entries Found: Page 57  of  696

dive sites Dive sites for Indonesia