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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Indonesia

18783 Entries Found: Page 38  of  696
Mandarinfish/Photographed with a Canon 60 mm macro lens at Alor, Indonesia
Goby on turnicate!!!
Spearing Mantis, Lysiosquillina lisa, Lembeh (background removed in Photoshop)
Deniese pygmy seahorse - perfect camouflage in a coral fan
Happy Sunday
Gili Mimpang
Bali, Indonesia
Coleman's Shrimps!!!
Hairy Shrimp, Aer Prang 1, Lembeh Strait
Pontoh's Pygmy Seahorse
close encouter with a whaleshark in TRiton BAy - West Papua - Indonesia
Free swimming Wonderpus, Nudi Falls, Lembeh Strait
Hairy Purple Squat Lobster Seraya, Bali
black is beautyful - black frog fish - Lembeh Strait
Blackfinned Snake Eel with Cleaner Shrimp
Flatworm Eurylepta sp.
Polka Dots!!!
Napoleon Snake Eel
Ribbon Moray Eel
dots & stripes
Saw this Goniobranchus while diving in Pandang Bay, Bali.
Xenia swimming crab (Caphyra loevis)
The eyes
difficult to find - Melibe colemani - Lembeh Strait, Indonesia
Shy Nudie!!!
candy crab
Nudibranch at Seraya Secret
Highfin snake eel (Ophichthus altipennis)
Hunting Cuttlefish!!!
18783 Entries Found: Page 38  of  696

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