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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Indonesia

18783 Entries Found: Page 147  of  696
Nudi with eggs
Sargassum Froggish Portrait
Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight!
Taken around Tomia Island, Wakatobi, Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Doto with eggs
Costasiella kuroshimae close up!
getting the focus was kind of a lucky draw ... due the minimal dof with the diopter combo in front of the macro lens.
Ornate Ghost
Moray with cleaning shrimp
clown fish with parasite
Sabre-toothed blenny
"Like a look in the depth of the universe" - The Eye of a Green Turtle
harlequin shrimp
Hairy crab
Facelinid sp.
Striking a pose!
Nudibranch (chromodoris colemani?)
Nudi about to take off in the current or tumble
I used a snoot to isolate only the fish.
Tiger Shrimp in Tiger Land.
In flight entertainment
Manta Ray - Manta alfredi
Manta Point, Bali, Indonisia
Fire dartfiish or red fire goby (nemateleotris magnifica) dancing with its partner but missed a focused shot of the duo.
The perfect hover
18783 Entries Found: Page 147  of  696

dive sites Dive sites for Indonesia