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Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Julian Hsu

201 Entries Found: Page 6  of  8
Bargibant's seahorse
Final RoundThrough to 2018 awards final round judging
Cleaning station
Schooling Jackfish
Harlequin Shrimp
Sapsucking Slug (Costasiella sp.)
Commensal sponge shrimp
Bargibant's seahorse
Leaf-sheep Nudibranch (Costasiella sp.)
Cleaning station
Green Algae Shrimp
Cleaning station
Bargibant's seahorse
Nikon D500, Nikkor 60mm, Nauticam housing, Saga+20 diopter, YS-D1 strobe with Retra LSD
F25, 1/80, ISO400
Humpback shrimp
Orange Idiomysis
Cyerce nigra
Silver Medal Silver Medal 2018

Final RoundThrough to 2018 awards final round judging
Sashimi Shrimp
Green algae shrimp
Humpback soft coral shrimp
Skeleton Shrimp
Pliopontonia furtiva
Peacock manti shrimp carrying a clutch of eggs
Red hairy shrimp
Zenopontonia rex on Doriprismatica atromarginata
Deep Purple (Zenopontonia soror)
Pink Eye Goby
Hiking (Sagaminopteron Psychedelicum)
Light bulbs
201 Entries Found: Page 6  of  8