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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Netherlands Antilles

2383 Entries Found: Page 5  of  89
Jack the Knife. A natural light shot of a juvenile jackknife fish in the open.
A Valentine's kiss for you!
Redlip blenny peering around coral mound.
Spotted cleaner shrimp
Spinyhead blennie peering out of its wormhole abode.
The Hilma Hooker
All the right angles.
Natural light pic of a Slender Filefish trying to blend in.
Natural light shot of a Barred Hamlet
A natural light shot of an octopus getting ready to hunt
Nice turtle at the salt Pier of Bonaire
I'm watching you!
Ol' Blue eyes
Shrimp with anemona, Klein Bonaire
Moray hurray !
Towering tube sponges of Bonaire
Bonaire seaurgin
Snorkeling with a beautiful sea turtle during my surface interval.
“Surfacing at the same time” Green Sea Turtle off of St. Maarten.
For the love of the sea. This heart shaped coral in Washington Slagbaai National Park took my breath away!
“Coming in for a closer look”. While in St. Maarten off the island of Tintamarre, this green sea turtle came up from th bottom and made a bee line towards my camera and eventually bumping his nose right on my lens!
Leaving Hilma Hooker wreck in Bonaire, caught friend's son cruising the reef. His body language speaks the beauty of diving. (removed distracting fellow divers from frame)
The eyes have it.
Honeycomb cowfish
"Under The Dock" - A school of needlefish race under a dock in Bonaire. Photographed with a slow shutter speed while panning in existing light. The black shadows at left are the wobbly view of the dock piling seen through the water.
2383 Entries Found: Page 5  of  89

dive sites Dive sites for Netherlands Antilles