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Our UW photo contest is the longest running and most prestigious online. If you want to make a name for yourself this is THE place to do it. See some famous publications about winning photos.

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Underwater Photo Contest | Macro - not swimming

19931 Entries Found: Page 19  of  739
Smaller subjects typically 1 to 3 inches (2.5 to 7.5cm) shot on macro settings or with macro equipment that are NOT MOVING usually on the bottom (i.e. between 1:1 and 1:3)
Curious blenny
Spotted cleaner shrimp on a closed warty corallimorph. Olympus E-PL2, m.zuiko 60mm macro lens, Olympus PT-EP03 UW Housing & UFL-3 strobe. 1/180s f/10 ISO 200
Cowrie portrait
Let me sit pretty.
Mother-daughter (harlequin shrimps)
Barredfin Moray Eel
Gymnothorax zonipectis
Doubletooth Soldierfish face detail
(Myripristis hexagona)
Harlequinn shrimp
Scorpion fish face detail
Blenny Portrait
Yellow Trumpet fish face detail
Close up of the eye of a Hooknose - Agonus Cataphractus Canon G16 & AOI UCL 900 +15
Mantis shrimp
Wire coral with very big polipes
Very small Valentin's sharpnose puffer (Canthigaster valentini) in gorgonian coral
Plectropomus leopardus grouper Red Sea 2003
Shot with Fujifilm VELVIA 100 ASA film and Nikon F60 with Nikkor 60 mms macro and Subtronic Alpha pro macro strobe F32 1/125
Angel fish
Lizard fish face portrait
Parablennius pilicornis portrait
Paracirrhites forsteri . Blackside Hawkfish, Forster's Hawkfish
Colemans on fire-sea urchin
(magic tube & snoot)
Grey moray or Geometric moray (Gymnothorax griseus)
Amphiprion bicinctus (Red Sea clownfish)
Egypt 2003
Film Fujifilm Provia 100 ASA. Nikon F60 and Sigma 50 mms macro. Subtronic Alpha pro macro
F32 1/125 (scanned with Minolta film scan)
Arrow crab
Barred-fin moray (Gymnothorax zonipectis)
Final RoundThrough to 2021 awards final round judging
19931 Entries Found: Page 19  of  739