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Underwater Photo Contest | Wide Angle - Close Focus

5177 Entries Found: Page 40  of  192
shots taken with a WIDE ANGLE (or fisheye) lens having 1) a well defined close subject (usually strobe-lit) AND 2) a wide angle BACKGROUND with a second subject, usually a diver
Following Mantaray, Isla San Benedicto México
Magnificent anemone in the afternoon
Underneath the Arborek Jetty
Honu Perspective: Low-Pass Fly-By.
The Healthiest Reef
The turtle
Scorpionfis and sea flowers
school of blue striped grunts on protected reef near Playa del Carmen
Mantaray with sun, San Benedicto Mexico
"Spinning Sponges"
The sponge in the foreground is illuminated by my strobes, while the ones in the background spin! No Photoshop.
three curious ones....
Reef Magic in Tubbataha
Lionfish (Pterois miles) swimming suspended at midwater.
'It's Raining Squid' - Two Caribbean reef squid in the shallow waters of Grand Cayman during a rain storm
Hiding from the dark~
Guineafowl Puffer Fish (Arothron m... by Mr Chai
by: Mr Chai
Hiding from the dark~
Guineafowl Puffer Fish (Arothron meleagris)
at tungkul abdul rahman park sabah malaysia
Canon T4I Meikon housing
Single YS03 strobe with flipsnoot pro
Macro filter +13
Shutter 200 F7 ISO100
Nature takes it all back
High up in the wind!
Parrot fish with guest
Big round World. 1/13th second shutter spin. F-22 at 8mm with TTL lighting.
Sun Dust and Red Magic
Parrot fish
Nikon D800E, 10,5mm , minidom widemacro
Two strobo
Dharanvadhoo . Maldives
Masked banner fish swimming along.
Honu Voodoo
Close focus wide angle
5177 Entries Found: Page 40  of  192