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Underwater Photo Contest | Wide Angle - Close Focus

5179 Entries Found: Page 123  of  192
shots taken with a WIDE ANGLE (or fisheye) lens having 1) a well defined close subject (usually strobe-lit) AND 2) a wide angle BACKGROUND with a second subject, usually a diver
Amphoras and Rico... Thanks to Rico Besserdich for modelling. Taken with Nikon 10,5mm and Sea&Sea YS-110 srobe.
A close up with fish eye lense of friend snorelling in the Red Sea
almost touching the dome...
Monster moray
lion fsh with mane...:)
scorpion fish
Cartoon diver over sea fans in Kuda Rah Thila - South Ari Atoll ;-)
Night turtle.
crocodile fish
Hawksbill turtle in Holyday Thundu - South Ari Atoll
Night cuttle. Enjoy!
Anemone with fish and snorkeling boat on the surface. D300/Tokina 10-17/Inon Strobes.
Poisson-scorpion - Scorpaenopsis sp.
Nikon d700,17mm,ISO 200, f14, 1/160sec. We were at 30ft, when I first noticed movement below me. Slowly, I turned around, inching along the sand hoping for a clear shot. This ray set off a storm, leaving me cleaning the sand out of my gear.
Bull kelp.
Soft coral under the pearl farm jetty, Raja Ampat
I need a gulp of fresh air...
/hawksbill turtle in Musha Mas Mingili Thila (Fish Head)
Kaleidescope Ridge: Raja Ampat
Green Turtle portrait
Doris géante - Giant doris -
Hypselodoris picta picta
Grande taille, 10 à 15 cm en général
Manteau court au bord festonné et ondulé
Rhinophores bleus
Panache branchial clair et taché de jaune
Tout le corps est parsemé de taches jaunes
sea star in the blue, free diving
Taken at Shark Reef, Mandalay Bay, las Vegas
lion fish
Poisson-faucon à long bec ( Oxycirrhites typus )
Sur une gorgone
5179 Entries Found: Page 123  of  192