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Our UW photo contest is the longest running and most prestigious online. If you want to make a name for yourself this is THE place to do it. See some famous publications about winning photos.

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Underwater Photo Contest | Wide Angle - Close Focus

5177 Entries Found: Page 14  of  192
shots taken with a WIDE ANGLE (or fisheye) lens having 1) a well defined close subject (usually strobe-lit) AND 2) a wide angle BACKGROUND with a second subject, usually a diver
Weightless in Wonderland
Potato bass and friends
American comb jelly fish(Mnemiopsis leidy, lake Grevelingen, Zeeland, the Netherlands.
El Hierro , under the sun !
Epinephelus marginatus , El Hierro .
Nurse Shark close up in the Maldives.
Jardines reef dive, Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Lionfish Sunburst
A coconut (veined) Octopus stilt walking surreptitiously past the onlooking mullet, with its most important shell home possessions.
Motion blur technique with schooling Bannerfish in the Maldives.
Early morning dive. Two small creatures appeared on fron of me as aliens. This is how I felt - first meeting with UFO :-)
Cuttlefish Quadruplets/Photograph of four cuttlefish in Lembeh, Indonesia.
Motion blur in the Maldives.
Red sea soft corals
Aeoliscus strigatus razorfish, jointed razorfish or coral shrimpfish
Light in the mangroves
moray eel,Playa del Carmen
While the hardcore in the shallows got hit badly by the 2016 bleaching, the soft corals are as beautiful as ever on the deeper reefs
u/w caribbean reef, Playa del Carmen
fish n wreck
Honeycomb moray eel
Most shallow hard corals have unfortunately suffered bleaching in Maldives. But once you descend a few meters the soft corals are super nice and coral cover gets much better.
Galápagos Penguin (Spheniscus mendiculus) - Isla Isabela
Flying sea turtle
Big Turtle with Divers, Half Moon Caye Belize
As usually, this curious bat fish come to see what we do. We just waited to see the hammerhead shark, whick finally come almost at the end of the dive.
5177 Entries Found: Page 14  of  192