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Underwater Photo Contest | Macro - Nudibranchia

8584 Entries Found: Page 34  of  318
Sea slugs. A subject popular with macro guys! (means naked gills) Flatworms allowed
Afternoon stroll - Facelina bostoniensis
Canon G16 & SubSee+10
Hypselodoris bollandi
Cratena peregrina from Cyprus, Mediterranean Sea
Panasonic LX100 II & SubSee+10
Goniobranchus Reticulatus
A Limacia clavigera grassing on bryozoas (on kelp)
Nembrotha Zephyra "running" into me.
Eubranchus sp.2
Facelina bostoniensis
Canon G16 & AOI UCL 900 +15 diopter
Shady Goniobranchus Kuniei
Thecacera sp.
A Cratena shooted while coming
straight at the camera_2021
(Canon 60mm,t1/200,f/20,iso200)
Predator & prey - A Fjordia lineata is sneaking up on a stalked hydroid.
Chromodoris willani
Coryphella brownii eating a hydroid
Nudibranch & emperor shrimp
Pilgrim Hervia(Cratena peregrina)on the hunt for a tasty meal of hydroids.
(Canon 100m, t1/200,f/20,iso200)
close -up of the lateral extensions,similar to wings,of a Elysia timida nudibranch_2021
(Canon 100m,t1/250,f/16,iso100)
Goniobranchus Leopardus I
Spotted hypselodoris (Hypselodoris maculosa)
Eye spot sea slug (Phyllidia ocellata)
The sinuous shape of Cratena nudi_2021
(Canon100mm, t1/200,f/20,iso 200)
Riding on a cloud
Chromodoris lochi
Chromodoris alcalai with small parasite
8584 Entries Found: Page 34  of  318